Friday, September 08, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 1

Two months ago, in another dimension

An alien base in the Sea of Tranquility, on the face of the moon. Despite the name of its location, the base is anything but calm. Crews are working on the base, either inside the pressure domes, or in pressure suits. Meanwhile, ships landed and took off at regular intervals. One of these ships had very important cargo.

Getting off one of the ships were twelve generals of the Temron army. Impressive in their full battle armor, these giant warriors walked down the hall to the center of the complex. There, sitting on his throne, sat their leader, Galactor. As powerful as the general's looked, Galactor made them look as weak as children.

“You summoned us My Lord?”

Galactor looked at his generals before responding. “As you know, our sensors tracked the ship that escaped Aldermir to this planet. Since that fool Jax did not have the Amulet with him, we can only assume that it was on that ship.”

“Please do not be offended sire, but there was no need to bring us half way across the galaxy to tell us something we already knew. The scout ship that followed Jax relayed its sensor readings to us as soon as the ship crashed.”

“You are lucky Zarlas.” Galactor said as he stepped down from his throne. “If I weren’t in such a good mood, I would rip your throat out where you stand for the infraction of speaking out of turn. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I have found a way to destroy the Blue Star Amulet. You all know the legend of the Amulets of Power, do you not?”

Zarlas hesitated before answering. “We all heard the legend when we were young. The Ancients, to allow others to have the powers they possessed, created the three Amulets of Power. The Blue Star Amulet was given to the Aldermirons and the others were hidden. It is said that the only thing that can defeat the power of one amulet is one of the other three Amulets.”

“Correct. As I already said, we know that the Blue Star Amulet is here. We must destroy it, and the Earth, in case those annoying Aldermirons gave it to any Earthlings. Kolar, step forward!”

Entering the room from behind the throne came a human. Dressed in a smaller version of the armor worn by the generals, he looked no less intimidating in it. He stood beside the throne as Glactor sat back down.

“This is Kolar, one of my finest warriors. He volunteered to be genetically and physically altered so that he could pass as a human. Find their weaknesses, and find the Blue Star Amulet. And this is how he will destroy all. Behold. The Dark Star Amulet!”

Galactor took an amulet from around his neck and gave it to Kolar, who held it to his chest. A dark red light enveloped the warrior. When the light subsided, Kolar was wearing a suit of armor that would be more the powerful enough to destroy a whole battalion of their most powerful solders.

Zarlas looked at Kolar, and then at Glactor. “This is most impressive my lord, but what about the forth amulet, Chaos?”

Glactor looked at his subordinate and smiled. “I have teams searching for it even as we speak. Dark Star is an equal to the Blue Star, but Chaos is at least ten times as powerful. Imagine, two warriors with enough power to destroy this puny world. Nothing will be able to stop us!


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