Friday, September 08, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 4

Arriving in neighboring country of Chutnia, Black Ninja stowed away on a train that was headed into Yugostan.

That night, he traveled to the location of Super Shift's compound. Checking the perimeter, he quickly found the main entrance. It was guarded by five guards, with a warming hut near by with more.

Taking a dart gun out of his belt, he aimed it at the two guards next to the doors and shot them with tranquilizer darts. Going up to the guardhouse, he drew the guard out and tried to subdue him, but guards from the warming hut, who were going to relieve their friends, joined in the fight. Black Ninja tried his best to fight them all, but they proved to be too much.

Suddenly, four glowing objects land in front of the crowd, exploding on impact. Looking up, they see a dark form in the trees before it charges towards them, staff in hand. Striking one guard in the chest, Fantasy struck two more before breaking the arm from a forth guard.

Recovering from the initial shock of Fantasy's sudden appearance, one of the guards picked up his gun and fired. Ducking to avoid the shot Fantasy kicked the gunman in the stomach before taking him down with an uppercut.

By now, the guards holding Black Ninja were scared and tried to run, but they didn't get far as the ninja threw a pair of shuriken, hitting the guards in the back of the ankle, severing their Achilles’ Tendon. A few quick punches knocked them out.

Grabbing his sai from one of the guards, he quickly spun around and drove the unsharpened blade through the arm of a guard that was trying to stab him in the back. Picking up a gun, he went to stand by Fantasy.

“Who are you?”

“We are in a life or death situation. I think that can wait.” Fantasy said as he picked up a rock. “You might want to take cover.”

Charging the rock with kinetic energy, Fantasy threw it at the wall surrounding the compound, destroying it. Making sure they were armed well enough, the two heroes entered the compound. Fortunately, most of the men were gone either in town or at another base. But the ones that were there were ready, standing by the main entrance. Startled by the explosion, they were not ready for the heroes and after a brief battle, they were all either dead or disabled.

Running towards the main building of the compound, they met little resistance. Blasting the door off its hinges with an exploding card, they went in, looking for Super Shift. They did not have to look long before they found him.

“So you are the ones that were making all that noise outside and disturbing my sleep. Who are you?”

“I have been sent by the President of United States to take you into custody.” Black Ninja said, pointing to the shape changer. “You have the right to remain silent, anything...”

“I chose to ignore that right. GAURDS!”

Fantasy smiled. “Hate to tell you this Shifty, but we took all of them down.”

“Not quite all of them.” He said as twenty guards enter the room, each holding a high-powered rifle. “I always keep a few in my house for an occasion like this. As you can see heroes, I am well guarded. Tie them up!”

A few minutes later, Fantasy and the Black Ninja were tied to a set of near by train tracks, with several guards pointing their guns at the duo.

“I know that this isn't the best way to kill you,” Super Shift said, standing over the heroes, “but it is fun. Any last requests?”

“Let us go?”

“Tell us your plan?”

“I don't think so. I've seen all the James Bond movies. I tell you my plan, and then you break free and kill me. I like living thank you very much.” Supershift paused as a train whistle sounded in the distance. “Good. I wouldn't want you to miss your train.

Super Shift stepped back and laughed. He watched the heroes trying to break free as the train drew nearer.


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