Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Hunted Chapter 13

“How the hell did you survive! I know how Superman survived his battle against Doomsday. I know how Jean Gray has survived being killed countless times. But this is real life, not something from the House Of Ideas.”

Mac looked up as the two men entered the Pit. “That’s a good question. How did you survive? I know I didn’t put anything in those arms that would protect you from molten lava.

“Let’s just say that Ninja Force has been in some very interesting places in the last two months.” Duke said, smiling. “Cheyenne Mountain, The Pentagon, and a little patch of land in the Nevada desert.”

Both men looked at him in surprise. “You’ve been to Area 51!?”

Duke laughed. “I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a facility known as Area 51, but I did find this cool personal force field while I was there.”

“Too bad you didn’t find something we could use to track The Hunter. The tracer that Rick planted on him only works on short range and will run out of energy soon.”
“We'll find him. How is our guest doing?”

“Great.” Mac said, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “His name is Flashjack, and he has quite a tale to tell.”

Over the next hour, Flashjack told the heroes everything; how he got his Amulet, found the Armored Slayer, and ended up in this dimension.

“That's about it. Now I'm stranded here forever.”

“You'll get use to it.” Fantasy said. “It just takes time.”

“There may be a way to return you to your home world.”

Everyone looked as The Traveler entered the room. “How?”

“The same way Fantasy was able to travel to the Netherscape.”

“Are you strong enough to do that again?”

“I believe so, however I will need Fantasy’s assistance. In order to open the portal to Flashjack’s universe, I will need to see it. Fantasy, you will have to search Flashjack’s mind and reveal to me his universe of origin.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rick said as he grabbed a chair and sat down. Lets do this.”

Very well. Flashjack, place your hand on Fantasy’s shoulder. He will be the link between us. Fantasy, I will once again require your body to channel the temporal energies of the portal. Is that alright?”

Fantasy smiled, glad that the Traveler remembered to ask this time. “Go ahead”

Flashjack placed his hand on Fantasy’s shoulder, as did the Traveler. After several minutes, Fantasy raised his hands and a beam of blue light fired from them, creating a portal. Fantasy opened hi eyes and shook his head.

“I forgot about the headache that gave me last time.”

Flashjack gathered his stuff and stepped towards the swirling blue vortex before turning.

“Thank you for your help, but before I leave, I have a request. Finish what I started. Stop the Slayer before he kills again.

“We’ll do what we can. Good luck.”

Nodding his head, Flashjack stepped through the portal and disappeared with a flash of light as the portal closed behind him.


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