Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Hunted Chapter 6

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.


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