Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 6

A few hours later, Fantasy was sitting in the armory checking his weapons. He didn’t know what he would need, but he wasn’t going unprepared. He had just placed a fresh clip in his MP5 when Mac walked into the room.

“Are you sure this is smart?” The older man asked. “We’ve known him for a few hours and your willing to go to another dimension to get a weapon that may or may not exist! For all we know, he could be the one that created those things and sent them after you in the first place!”

“I know. I thought of that,” Fantasy said as he stuck a few more clips in his belt “ But in the last two days I fought two of those things. We don’t know how many of them there are, where they came from, why they are here, nothing. If there is a weapon that might give us an edge against them in the future, then I want to get my hands on it before they do.

“But what if it’s a trap?”

Fantasy stood and sheathed his sword. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Satisfied with his weaponry, Fantasy and Mac made their way to the main room, where The Traveler was staring at the body of the Cybernator. Hearing them approach, he turned towards them.

“Are you ready?”

Fantasy held up the MP5 and took off the safety. “As I’ll ever be. How do we get there?”

“There lies with in you the ability to create portals such as the one that brought me here. It is this same power that brought you to this world in the first place if I’m not mistaken.”

"Then you are mistaken” Fantasy said, laughing. “The portal that brought me here was created by Annihilix* to try and escape. I didn’t create it.”

The Traveler looked at the young hero for a moment, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. “Perhaps you are correct. In that case, please sit down.”

Fantasy grabs a chair and sat down, only to stand up as The Traveler placed his hands on either side of his head.

“What are you doing? I thought you were going to open a portal?”

“I am, however my body is not yet strong enough to contain the energies needed to create a portal to the Netherscape. I will need to use you body as a conduit for the energies.”

Fantasy stared at The Traveler for a moment before sitting back down. “Al right. That makes sense. But next time ask before you do something like that.”

Fantasy sat back down and The Traveler placed his hands on Fantasy’s head, covering his ears. After a few moments, Fantasy closed his eyes and raised his hands, Wrists together, fingers pointing forward. Suddenly a beam of blue light shot out of his hands, creating a shimmering blue portal. His arms went limp as he opened his eyes.

“What just happened?” He asked, shaking his head.

“The temporal energies of the universe took control of your body, allowing you to create the portal.”

“So what now?”

“Now you must step through it and into the Netherscape. Unfortunately I cannot help you. You must use the magic of the Fantasy Star to return.”

“Hold on a second.” Mac said as he walked towards the other men. “You didn’t say anything about that when we agreed to this. You expect us to believe that this sword has magical powers?”

Fantasy placed a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. ” Mac, in the last six months, we have seen a shape shifting crime lord, a super strong thug, two cyborgs, and a stranger appear out of no where. Is a magic sword really that much of a stretch?”

“When you put it that way, it makes sense.”

“So how do I open the portal?” Fantasy said, turning towards The Traveler.

The Traveler placed two fingers to his temple, trying to remember. “Hold the sword above your head and say ‘Returnus Exante. Then swing the sword in a full circle. That should create a portal back to here.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then you may very well be trapped in the Netherscape forever.”

Fantasy looked at Mac, then the Traveler, and finally the portal. “Well, here goes nothing. Wish me luck.”

Turning towards the portal, Fantasy walked through it...

*Annihilix is a powerful being that nearly destroyed the dimension that Fantasy came from. Fantasy traveled through a portal in order to stop him once and for all, and appeared outside of River City.


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