Monday, October 16, 2006

Alliences Formed Chapter 11

On the roof was a helicopter ready for take off. Bursting through the door, the two heroes rushed towards the chopper, only to be stopped by Super Shift's second-in-command, Crusher.

Black Ninja stared murderously at Crusher. “I'll take ugly. You get Shifter.”

Jumping towards his foe, Ninja launched a series of kicks at Crusher's face, knocking the villain down.

“About time I found you.”

Drawing his sword, he lunged at his foe, who dodged out of the way at the last second.

“All this time training and looking for me and that’s the best you can do Duke?” Crusher laughed. “Maybe I should do you a favor and kill you just like I killed your dad.”

Picking up a barrel next too him, he threw it at the hero, hitting him in the chest. Lifting him off the ground, he threw the Ninja off the roof. Grabbing the ledge at the last second, Black Ninja climbed back on to the roof and fired his grappling hook hitting Crusher in the face.

Advancing towards his foe, Fantasy tackled Super Shift. Knocking him back, Shift followed with a series of punches and kicks, staggering the hero. Using a sweep kick to knock Super Shift down. Fantasy picked him up and threw him at the chopper.

Rushing up the stairs to help his new friends, Mac arrived just in time to see Super Shift and Crusher knock Fantasy and the Black Ninja backwards. Boarding the chopper, Shift took off with out Crusher. Grabbing onto the runner of the chopper, he held on as long as he could before fell to his death in the swamp surrounding the compound.
Refusing to let Super Shift get away, Mac took the rocket launcher from his back and fired the last rocket. It hit the chopper, which exploded. Only the pilot, who had parachuted to safety survived.


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