Friday, September 22, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 8

After three days of work, all the nerve endings, blood vassals, and circuitry was connected. As Sanders finished up, Mac and Fantasy sat around the kitchen table enjoying a much-needed break.

“That was a neat trick in there. I’ve never heard of a mutant with the ability to heal others. Should help Ninja get back on his feet faster.”

Fantasy set down his coffee cup and thought for a moment before responding.

“Actually, my powers are low level psionics and the ability to accelerate the electrons and positrons around me. The healing factor, as well as some other stuff, is the result of some experiments that were performed on me. I would rather not talk about it right now.”

“Understood. So why were you guys there in the first place?”

“Ninja was sent by President Walker. One of his assistants, Dan Carter, asked me to give him a hand. What were you doing there?”

It was Mac’s turn to think for a moment. “Sanders and I are here for the same reason. To kill that bastard.”


“He ruined our lives. Killed his parents and his brother. Killed my wife and kids.”

“So why isn’t he out there fighting?”

“He’s doctor. He’s had no combat experience. Before I got a degree in engineering started studying cybernetics, I fought in the Gulf War. Scored thirty kills, ten of which were after my squad had been neutralized. But he’ll be there next time. You guys got a mission to complete and we want Super Shift dead. Best thing to do is to team up.”

“I think the President wanted him alive.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Silence filled the room, broken by the sound of the door opening. Sanders walked in, with Black Ninja behind him.

“Look who woke up!”

“How are you doing?”

Ninja looked at Fantasy, and then Mac. “I fine, thanks. I appreciate your help. Now if we aren’t in a life or death situation, could would you guys mind telling me who you are and why you’re here?”

“You’re out of bed.” Mac said as he finished his coffee. “Time for you to start learning how to use those new arms of yours. Super Shift has patrols out looking for us all over the city. I figure we have three, maybe four days max before they find this place. That will be plenty of time for introductions.”


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