Friday, October 13, 2006

Alliences Formed Chapter 10

Approaching the compound, the heroes checked their weapons one last time. It had been a week since they had been here, plenty of time for Super Shift to prepare for an attack. Checking the parameter, they found the best place to enter. Noiselessly defeating the guards at the entrance point, they scaled the walls. Seeing no troops in the courtyard, they continued, heading for the building that served as Super Shift's headquarters. Halfway across the courtyard, the lights around the compound lit up.

It was a trap!

Surrounding them were tanks, snipers, and foot soldiers, all with their guns pointed at the heroes.

Thinking fast, Fantasy activated his blast field, deflecting the first attack and covering his friends. Reacting before their foes could reload, they struck back, spreading out. Charging a hand full of cards, Fantasy threw them at the tanks, destroying them.

Meanwhile, The Black Ninja targeted the snipers. Evading their fire, he used the grappling hooks built in to his arms to scale the walls to the various sniper positions and took them out with little effort. Mac and Sanders, unlike their allies, where much more brutal. Taking cover behind the wreckage of one of the tanks, they took rocket launchers from their backs and fired three shots at the troops, taking out about the majority of the men. The rest fell quickly after they opened fire with their machine guns. After a finishing off the last of the troops, they continued towards the main building.

Charging into the building, they were greeted by fifty more guards, the same ones that had captured Fantasy and the Black Ninja. This time, they did not succeed. Rushing toward the stairs leading to the next floor, machine guns blazing, the heroes made short work of Super Shift’s first line of defense. At the top of the stairs, they saw Super

Shift escape through a doorway leading to the roof. Between them and the door were thirty more troops.

“Stop Him!” Mac shouted as he threw a fresh clip in his gun. “We’ll hold them off!”
Plowing through the troops, Fantasy and the Black Ninja broke down the door and headed for the roof.

Mac and Sanders opened fire as the heroes broke through the door, killing several of the soldiers. Unfortunately they didn’t hear the troops approaching from behind. They opened fire on the duo, hitting Sanders in the back several times. Mac finished off the soldiers in front of the in time to see Sanders fall. He fell as a bullet hit him in the back of the leg. Mac opened fire as he hit the ground, killing the soldiers behind him. Throwing his gun aside, he crawled over to his friend.

“Hang in there Colonel.”

“Leave me here Mac. They hit me pretty hard. I think they hit a few internal organs. I’m not going to make it back. But do me a favor and kill that bastard.”

“You got it doc.”

Grabbing the rocket launcher from his back, Mac ran as fast as he could toward the door.


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