Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 1

Seven miles south of River City Minnesota.

The home of Magnum Enterprises’ CEO, Duke Magnum.

The trees around the house are filled with shadows, the branches swaying in the breeze. One of the trees was moved by something else. The moonlight shone off of the metallic implants covering the right half of the being’s face. A red light shown from where it’s eye would be. Its right arm was pointed towards the house. It had
been replaced by a rocket launcher.

“Target located.” The being said in a monotone voice. “Awaiting appearance and approval for lethal ordinance.”

Another voice, also monotone, responded from the audio device near its ear. “Permission to use lethal ordinance granted.”

Inside a bedroom on the top floor of the mansion, an elevator rose from the floor and out stepped a muscular young man. His hair was wet, evidence of a recent workout. He is dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a pair of metal gauntlets. In his hand is an MP5 sub-machine gun. As the elevator descends, he turns and presses a button. The wall opens to reveal an armory. He is about to replace the MP5 when something gets his attention. He stops, sniffs the air. Pressing a button on the gauntlets, a shield expands

Seconds later, the wall explodes, burying him in debris. As the smoke cleared, the cyborg entered the room. A red beam extended from his right “eye” and swept across the room.

“No human life signs detected. Target eliminated.”

“Good thing I’m not human.” The young man said as he burst out of the rubble and lands blow after blow. The cyborg stumbles backwards, but quickly recovers. The man watched, surprised that the Cyborg didn’t fall. His surprise turns to shock as its arms begin to change into gattling guns. Diving for cover, he jumps behind the bed and lands on the MP5, which had been knocked from his hand during the explosion. He leaned around the corner of the bed and opened fire. Unfortunately he ran out of ammo well before the cyborg fell.

Grabbing it by the barrel, the human leaned around the corner of the bed. Suddenly the gun began to glow with a red light. Seconds later he threw it at the cyborg. The gun exploded on impact. The cyborg stumbled backwards as sparks flew and fluid poured out of severed hoses. Realizing the end was near, the cyborg transformed its arms once again, this time into rocket launchers. Reacting with speed that comes from years of training, the man presses a button on the back of the gauntlets, extending a foot-long blade on each. Leaping over the bed he knocked his foe to the ground with a drop kick. He slashed at the cyborg with the blades. It tried to lift its arm and fire, but it was too late. The implant over its right eye dimmed as it died.

The young man stood and sheathed the blades as he recovered from the fight. Moments later, a chiming sound filled the room. He turned and pressed a button on the intercom panel on the wall.

“Rick, what’s going on up there?”

Rick looked at the cyborg before replying. “Mac. You better get up here.”


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