Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fantasy #1: Master Of Magic

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

"You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.

“The reason for the attack is unknown. The only thing that is missing is an artifact named the Amulet Of Llew. This is the second Celtic artifact stolen in the last week. The Scepter of Temera was stolen on Monday from the Louvre, which is currently showing various Celtic artifacts.”

Turning off the TV, Rick O'Connell sat and thought, hoping Celtic mythology was the same here as it was in his world.

“Two Celtic artifacts reported stolen in a week. Whoever did it definitely has a lot of guts. Robbing an archeological dig is one thing, but breaking into the Louver is nearly impossible. I can understand if you wanted to steal the Mona Lisa, but the Scepter of Temera is useless. According to the legends it's powers came from a combination of the stone on the top and the runes carved in the staff, but the staff rotted away long ago. Maybe the computer in the Pit will have some more info on the thefts.”

Entering the Pit's command center, Fantasy saw Mac and the Traveler working hard on a new toy.

“When will that thing be done anyways?”

Mac looked up as Rick entered the Pit. “Just about finished. Just have a few bugs to work out.”

“I don't see any bugs.” The Traveler said, confused.

Mac looked at him. “It was a figure of speech.”

“If you need me, I will be checking the computer for some info on some recent thefts.” Rick said, laughing.

“What was stolen? A nuke? Some super weapon?”

“I don't know. Yet.”

Four hours later.

Mac handed Rick a cup of coffee. “Find what you were looking for?”

“Nope. Learned some stuff I didn't know, but nothing that would help me figure out why someone would steal the Amulet of Llew and the Scepter of Temera.”

“Might as well take a break. The Battle Bike is ready. Want to take it for a test drive?”

“Let's see. Spend more time sitting at the computer looking for information, which is something that it can do by it's self, or test an experimental motorcycle. Tough choice.” Rick said, smiling. “Let's Roll!”

“So what do you think Rick?”

“You out did yourself Mac. If I didn’t know you put that extra stuff on here, I wouldn’t be able to tell there was any thing different.”

“Glad you like it. You better head back so I can check to see how it is doing.”

Suddenly shots rang out in the distance.

“You'll have to wait a little longer to do the diagnostics on this thing. I just heard some gunshots.”

“Bank robbery in progress. 1st National Bank. You're the closes unit. Do what you can but don't push the bike too hard.”

“I'll Try.”

“What do you mean you'll try? If they get away the cops can catch them. Don't push that thing too hard.”

Smiling, Fantasy turned off the comm-link and raced towards the scene of the crime. Turning the corner, he saw the four gunmen running out of the bank towards a waiting car. Pressing a button below the speedometer, he activated the twin gattling guns, mounted under the headlight. He fired at the car hitting its tires.

Turning off the gattling guns, Fantasy followed until the car lost control. Getting off the bike, he walked towards the car to arrest the criminals. They had other plans.

Climbing out on the driver's side, two of them started firing at Fantasy. The other two charged him. Taking a stun grenade from his belt, Fantasy threw it over the car, stunning the shooters. The other two were no match for the hero's martial arts skills.

After tying them up, Fantasy went to his bike to contact the police, but he never got that far. Just as he reached the bike, five more cars turned the corner and 20 more thugs jumped out. Extending his staff, Fantasy tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them and they quickly disarmed him and held him against the ground.

“You're the guy who arrested my brother. ” One of them said “Your testimony could put him away for a very long time. If we kill you, he doesn't go to jail and we can get the bounty that the boss put on your head.” He kicked Fantasy in the side and looked at his allies. “Smile boys. We're about to be come rich men.”

Pulling a knife, the thug was about to kill Fantasy when he was hit from behind by an energy blast. Looking up, the others soon followed their leader. Getting to his feet, Fantasy walked towards his attackers and checked their pulses.

“I appreciate the help, but you didn't have to kill them.”

Fantasy turned to his rescuer and saw a man wearing a brown cloak. All that could be scene of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

“What happens to them is not my concern. I am here for one thing.” He said as he pointed a scepter at Fantasy. “Give me the Sword Of Kells.”

“That's the Scepter of Temera. You're also the one who stole the Amulet Of Llew, aren't you.”

“Their previous owners did not know the power that they contained.”

"Why steal them though. The scepter is useless without the handle and according to the legends the Amulet never had any magical powers.”

“How little you know.”

Reaching into his cloak, he took out the Amulet. Pointing both the Amulet and the Scepter at Fantasy, the mage fired a beam of magical energy at Fantasy, who barely had time to activate his blast field. Master Mage continued firing, pushing Fantasy back towards the edge of a cliff.

“Give me the sword!”

“The Sword Of Kells doesn’t exist.”

“The same was said about the Amulet and the Scepter. Give me the sword so that I may
full fill my destiny.”

“And that would be?”

“To bring my master Nogard back to this realm.”

“The Demon King? You can't be serious. I’ll admit I was wrong about the Scepter and the Amulet, but the Demon King isn’t real! And even if he were real, why would I allow you to release him. The legends say that he almost destroyed all reality.”

“He is real and once he is free he will bring with him the Age Of Chaos and I, Master Mage, will join him as his loyal lieutenant. No one will be able to stop us.”

“If your right, and he is real, then he was stopped once, he can be stopped again.”

“It took the strength of everyone in Asgard to stop him, and they were barely able to do it. With our combined might, we will be unstoppable.”

“Over my dead body!”

Straining against Master Mage’s blast, Fantasy energized three shuriken and threw them, hitting the mage in the chest. The resulting explosion sent Master Mage crashing into one of the nearby cars.

“You want a sword, you got it.”

Summoning the Fantasy Star, he charged at his foe, who blocked it with the scepter.
Their battle continued, with neither combatant gaining the upper hand till Master Mage deflected one of Fantasy’s blows.

“Skeletons Arise!”

Breaking out of the ground, four skeletons rose to stand between their master and Fantasy. Rushing towards the undead warriors, the hero cut through the skeletons, cutting through their spines and severing their heads. The fight was over and it was just Fantasy and Master Mage.

Charging his sword, Fantasy fired at Master Mage. Thinking fast, the villain used the handle of the scepter to block the shot, hoping that the magic glyphs carved into it would protect him. The beam hit the handle, destroying it and knocking Master Mage closer to the cliff.



Charging his sword, Fantasy prepared to fire. Seeing no other way out, Master Mage used the Amulet to open a portal.

“This isn’t over hero!”

Realizing what was happening, Fantasy quickly fired, but it was too late. Master Mage stepped into the portal and it closed behind him.

“Are you sure he's gone?”

Rick nodded his head as he watched Mac work on the bike. “Yep. He walked into a portal just like the one we used to send Flashjack home. I hope he can handle this guy.”

“Master Mage is not Flashjack's concern.” The Traveler said as he entered the room.

“He is in a new world. It will be up to 8 heroes to fight him and his new ally. You will join them in the future and bring Master Mage to justice."

Rick looked up at him, confused. “How do you know all that? Are you clairvoyant or something?”

“...I don't know.”


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