Monday, January 15, 2007

Fantasy #3: Powers Combined Part 2 (of 2)

As Sigma Force and their new friend took off to safety to the Warehouse, Scorpion and Master Mage begin celebrating their quick victory.

“Are you sure you found it?”

“I dispatched a wraith to follow Fantasy and Sigma Force and it has found their location.”

“Perfect! Once their precious warehouse is destroyed, we will not only destroy their powers, but we will finally get revenge and take over the world!”

At The Warehouse

Sigma Gold pulled up to the Warehouse door and honked his horn. As they pulled in, Fantasy looked at him.

“Is this it? A warehouse?”

“Unfortunately when we moved here from California we didn't have time to shop around for a new place.” He said, smiling.

As they walked into the Sigma Command Center, fantasy turned and saw a small robot closing the door behind them.

“Hey cool robot. You should build a new one though. This one looks.... old!”

The robot looked at him. “Hey watch it buddy! I'm the best in a long line of Deltas!”

“Welcome to Ocala, Florida on the planet of Earth. I am Nautica, Mentor and guardian to Sigma Force

“Pleased to meet you.”

“Let me introduce the team to you.”

Fantasy turns around to face Sigma Force as they all deactivate their Energizers and return to their street clothes.

“This is Lisa, Sigma Purple and wife of Sigma Gold” Nautica said, pointing towards the woman standing next to Sigma Gold. “Over there is Kristy, Sigma Aqua, Justin, Sigma Green, Casey, Sigma Blue, Sarah, Sigma Red, and Andros, Sigma Black.”

Andros stepped forward. “Hi there.”

Fantasy shook his hand. “Nice to meet all of you.”

Nautica continued with the introductions. “And over by those computers is Brittany, Sigma Pink, Zhane, Sigma Purple, Billy, the Phantom Centurion, and David, the Triforian Warrior”

“Last but certainly not least, myself. Hi I'm Eric, Sigma Gold, and the leader of the team. I'm also a Lucani Master.”

Fantasy looked at Eric, a bit confused. “I have no idea what that is but cool!”

“Sigma Force, we are in a grim situation. Scorpion has joined forces with a being known as Master Mage. Those monsters you fought were probably his doing.”

“Would that explain Vampiro's appearance too?” Brittany asked.

Billy nodded. “ Probably but we're still working that out.”

“I know Master Mage. I've been chasing him.” Fantasy added. “He's a dangerous being. He must be taken down as soon as possible!”

“Easier said then done.” Eric said after checking a monitor. “Our Mechs are badly damaged and nearly out of power. I don't think they can take much more abuse.”

Nautica shook her head. “I don't know how we're gonna do it but we need more power for the Ninja Mechs, or they will be destroyed and so will your powers."

“Eric, don't we still have our Storm powers left?” Casey asked.

Eric smiled grimly. “Yeah we do. We could use them in case of a last resort, but I think we're still better off for with the Ninja Mechs.”

“Maybe I can help!” Fantasy said as he looked at his ring. “Why don't I help you recharge your fighting vehicles? My sword might be able to do the trick.”

Before anyone could say anything, the Warehouse began to shake fires began to break out as sirens started to sound.

“What's going on?” Kristy said as she got back to her feet.

Eric checked the external sensors. “There's a monster outside. It's something I've never seen before!”

Fantasy looked at the sensor readings. “It's a wraith. After my last battle against Master Mage, I did some research. A wraith is only as powerful as the Necromancer that summons it, so this could be a very dangerous monster. I'll handle him and Master Mage. You guys should take on that Vampiro thing.”

“Billy before you go, can you power up the Storm Powers just in case?” Nautica said as Sigma Force prepared to head out.

Billy smiled. “I’m way ahead of you. They're already on line and ready to go.”

Eric watched as he teammates entered the power chambers at the back of the warehouse.

“Ready guys?”


“Alright. Guys. Let’s Power Up!”

Eric entered the chamber in the center as each was bathed in light the color of their uniforms. As the light faded, they disappeared, replaced by the warriors of Sigma Force.

Fantasy and Sigma Force ran outside to see Master Mage and the wraith attacking the warehouse as Vampiro, who had grown to over a hundred stories, walked closer. Vampiro saw them exit the building and laughed.

“I shall enjoy destroying you multi colored Pez rejects!“

“I don’t think so.” Eric said, raising his hand. “Ninja Megamech! Power up!”

Across town, the ground shook at the Ocala International Airport as runway 7 raised above ground, revealing a hidden hanger beneath it. The Ninja Mechs emerged from the hanger as people watched in amazement. As they flew towards the Warehouse, the Mechs transformed, merging to form the Ninja Megamech.

The Megamech landed in front of Vampiro shaking the nearby buildings and breaking windows on the lower levels. The Megamech turned towards it’s opponent, leaving craters the size of semis in its wake. On the ground, the members of Sigma Force pressed buttons on their communicators and teleported into the command center of the Megamech.

“All systems online. Power levels are at fifty-seven percent.”

Eric nodded to his teammates before looking out the through the Megamech’s visor at Vampiro. “Alright guys, lets teach this thing not to mess with our city.”

The Megamech charged towards Vampiro, landing a massive blow that threw the monster into the building behind it and knocking it off its foundation. On the ground Master Mage and the wraith turned towards Fantasy as he summoned his sword.

“Master Mage! Time to finish what we started in River City.”

“You may have nearly defeated me then hero, but you will not be so lucky a second time. Wraith, destroy him!”

The ghostly creature rushed towards Fantasy, who assumed a defensive position. Meanwhile the battle between the two behemoths had taken a turn for the worse. Vampiro landed blow after blow. Inside the command center of the Megamech, sparks poured out of panels and warnings sounded as Sigma Force struggled to maintain control of the giant robot.

“Power levels are down to five percent.” Kristy said, shouting to be heard.

“Billy, David, Zhane, Get your mechs over here!”

Each of the men called their mech, but it was no use. Vampiro blasted the Panther and Dragon Mechs as they approached, hitting them with enough power to render them useless. David prepares to call his mech, but Eric stops him.

“Take my position, I’m going to go help Fantasy and hopefully get some reinforcements.

Eric teleported to the ground and powered down just in time to see the wraith knock Fantasy to ground. As it moved in for the kill, he drew his Lightstar Saber and severed the creature’s hand. As it screamed in pain, Eric helped Fantasy to his feet.

“Thanks, but I had the situation under control.”

“I know, but I figured I would help anyways. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go get some help.”

“What do you mean? I thought all of you were in the Megamech.”

“You’ll see, I hope.”

Eric ran into the warehouse as the wraith charged towards Fantasy again, screaming with rage. Fantasy managed to block its attacks. The monster lunged towards him, but Fantasy dodged it and charged his sword. As the wraith flew past him, Fantasy drove his sword into its back, destroying it.

Master Mage laughed as Fantasy walked towards him. “You may have destroyed my Wraith, but I'll still be victorious! After all, you can’t destroy all of them.” He said, pointing towards the nearby trees. Scorpion had teleported down with several monsters and Claytrons to watch the destruction of Sigma force.

Suddenly the earth shook as Vampiro fired a deadly blast at the Megamech. Sparks flew from its torso as it fell to the ground. Inside the command center, fires burned all around the Sigmas.

“We got to get out of here!” Casey said, shouting over the noise of the in the center. “This thing’s going to blow!”

David struggled to get the Megamech back to its feet. “If the Megamech is doomed, let’s see if we can’t take Vampiro with it."

The Megamech stood as sparks continued to flow from countless tears in its hull. Vampiro laughed as it slowly lurched towards the monster. The Mech jumped towards Vampiro, but he fired again, this time aiming for the head. Seconds before the beam hit, David hit a button, teleporting the Sigmas to safety. They reappeared on the roof of the warehouse in their street cloths, the last of their powers used to get away. They watched, helpless as the Ninja Megamech crashed into a building and exploded.

“So that’s it then.” Lisa said sadly. “Scorpion won.”

“Not yet he hasn’t.” Eric said as he joined his team mated on the roof. Look over there.”

The Sigmas looked where he was pointing and saw several large objects flying towards them. Scorpion looked through a telescope and couldn’t believe his eyes.

“It can’t be! I thought we destroyed them!” he said, looking to Loki for answers.

“Obviously we didn’t master.”

Scorpion hit Loki in the head they disappeared as he complained of having a headache. Up on the roof, the Sigmas watched as the objects drew nearer.

“It's the Storm Mechs!” Andros said excitedly.

Eric smiled. “When you guys used the last of out old powers to teleport to safety, I was able to activate the old mechs. I think it’s time for us to power up and Vampiro down.

“Lets do it!” they shouted in unison.

The Sigmas activated their Energizers, transforming into their old uniforms and teleporting into their the mechs as they combined.

“Storm Megamech Online. All systems online. Power levels are at One hundred percent."

Eric smiled in his helmet. “Power up the Storm Saber.”

Justin pressed a few buttons. “Storm Saber powered up.”

Sarah looked up from her monitor. “Target locked.”


The Megamech raised its sword above it’s head as it crackled with electricity. At the Sigma’s command it swung down, firing a wave of energy at Vampiro. The monster flew though the air and hit the ground, exploding on impact. Inside the command center of the Storm Megamech the Sigmas celebrated.

Below them Fantasy and Master Mage were locked in mortal combat. Fantasy blocked one of the mage’s attacks, but he fired a shot at point blank range, sending Fantasy crashing into a tree. Only his Blast Field saved him from. Master Mage stood over Fantasy and laughed.

“I told you that you were no match for me. Give it up hero. You’ll never defeat me, and soon Nogard will be unleashed upon not only our world, but this one as well!”

“Over my dead body.”

Fantasy activated his Blast Field, knocking Master Mage aside. Both men got to their feet at the same time but Fantasy was faster, landing knocking Master Mage back down with a quick roundhouse kick. He picked up his sword and pointed it at Master Mage’s throat.

“Looks like I came out the winner this time.”

After the battle Sigma Force assessed the situation.

“Sensors showed Scorpion’s ship leaving the moon.” Nautica said. “I think 2we scared him off, but he’ll be back.”

“And we’ll be ready for him.” Eric said confidently. “What about the Mechs?”

Nautica shook her head. “The Ninja Mech were destroyed, and the Panther mech was damaged beyond repair. Fortunately the Dragon Mech is salvageable, but it will be some time before it is back online.”

“Good. We might need it. You never know when the next threat to the planet might appear.”

“At least you’ll have one less threat to worry about.”

The Sigmas turned as Fantasy entered the room. In front of him was Master Mage, his hands in handcuff behind his back. He hesitated, and Fantasy pushed him into the room.

“Are you sure you have to go?” Eric said as he walked towards Fantasy. “We could use someone like you.”

“My world needs me more. There are too many people like Master Mage there, not aren’t nearly enough people to stop them.”

“Good luck then, and may the Fordres protect you.”

The two men shook hands and Fantasy said good-bye to the Sigma’s before using his sword to create a portal back home. As he entered the portal warning sirens sounded in the warehouse.

“Nautica! What’s going on?”

Nautica looked at the computer. “It’s what we feared. A Midiclan ship has just emerged from Hyperspace.”

“It’s happening, just like Master Lucas said it would.”

Lisa walked up to her husband. “What do we do now Eric.”

Eric put a reassuring arm around Lisa. “We do what we do best. Save the Earth.”

Floating through the dimensional gate, Fantasy could see the exit. As they approached the exit, Master Mage managed to break free of the handcuffs and escaped. Fantasy exited the portal, but couldn’t find any trace of the necromancer.

Floating towards the light, the being was surprised to see a flash of red light erupt out of it. As he drew ever closer to the light, he could sense the dark energies. Just as it had countless times before, the light vanished and the being was once again left in darkness. For the first time in what seemed like ages, but could have been just a few seconds he felt anger. What ever the source of dark energy was, the being knew that he must reach his foe before it did, or else he would never have his chance for revenge.


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