Monday, November 13, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 5

Fantasy looked at the guards. “I don't suppose you would be willing to let me go?’
The guards answered by turning on their rifles laser sites and pointed them at Fantasy.

“I’ll take that as a no.”

Moving too fast for the guards can react, Fantasy threw a smoke pellet on the ground, filling the room with smoke. Switching his visor to infrared, he attacked the guards, who didn't stand a chance.

Running for the top of the building, he ran into a few guards, none of which slowed them down much. Reaching the roof, he prepared to fly to safety until he saw another cyborg like the one he fought a few days earlier.

Diving down and activating his Blast Field, Fantasy rammed into the cyborg at full speed, driving it into the building, crashing through the wall. Pulling his sword he lunged at the cyborg, which knocked him away with ease. Getting to his feet with speed that comes from years of training, he took several playing cards from his belt and charged them with kinetic energy before throwing them at the cyborg, which was thrown backwards. Charging towards his foe, Fantasy extended the blades on his Battle Gauntlets. After quick spin kick, he slashed his foe till it fell, dead. Bringing his blades in, he jumped into the air and flew away.

“Any luck?” Mac said as he looked up from his examination of the cyborg.

Fantasy sat down in front of the computer terminal and removed a disk from his belt.

“Yep. Got lots of info from their computer core. It was all encrypted, but I managed to decipher some of it. They are definitely up to something.”

"I’ll get on this right away.” Mac said as he took the disk.

“How’s our guest doing?”

As if on cue, the stranger enters the room. He leaned against the wall, not strong enough to stand by himself.

“I am doing better, thank you for your concern.”

Mac stared at the stranger. “Good. Maybe you can answer some questions hen. Who are you? What are you doing here?”

“I am known as the Traveller.” The stranger said as he sat down in a nearby chair. I have come here to deliver a warning.”

Fantasy and Mac looked at each other. “About what?” They asked in unison.

“You may have defeated a few of the Cybernators, but you do not have the power to stop them once and for all. Only the Fantasy Star has the power needed to defeat them.”

Mac walked toward the Traveller. “I don’t know where you got your intel, but neither of us have ever faced any one or any thing called a Cybernator.”

“You have faced at least one,” The Traveller said, pointing at the cyborg still lying on the exam table. “For there is one before you.”

Fantasy looked at the cyborg and remembered his fight against it. After a few seconds he walked towards the others. “Where is this weapon you’re taking about?”

“Excuse us for a second.” Mac said to the Traveller as he turned towards Fantasy. “You don’t really believe any of this do you?”

“I’ve been in a lot of fights since I decided to use my powers to fight evil” Fantasy said as he looked at the cyborg. “But if he’s right and there’s more of these things, we’ll need any help we can get. I’ve had a hard enough time one on one. I don’t know how many I can face at a time.”

“Good point. So where is it?” Mac asked, turning to face the Traveller.

“On the Netherscape, a plane of existence similar to yours.”

“How do we get there?”

“I am weak from my injuries. Allow me to rest a bit, and I will show you the way.”

Monday, November 06, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 4

Mac was still treating the stranger’s wounds when Fantasy entered the infirmary. He hadn’t moved since collapsing in the main cave three hours ago. Fantasy looked at the stranger, and then at Mac as the older man finally sat down.

“How’s he doing?”

“Hard to tell. Some of his injuries were pretty bad. I could tell that some of them came from an explosion of some sort, but the rest…I’ve never seen anything like them. I just hope I patched him up right.”

“I’m sure you did the best you could.” Fantasy said as he sat down. “What was it he said about that legend?”

Mac scratched his head. “He said that it had to do with beating that cyborg. There must be more of those things. I got the computer looking for any info it can find, but I doubt there’ll be anything. Probably just rambling on because of his injuries, but better safe then sorry.”

“So what now?”

Mac looked at his young friend. “You should probably check out GenTech, make sure they haven’t increased security or anything. We need to know if they have anything to do with that thing as soon as possible.”

“Good idea.” Fantasy said as he went up and made his way to the door. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Let me know if he wakes up.”

Scotland, 50 miles from the village of Airdrie.

An archeological team is examining the ground around a cairn. Suddenly, one of them found something. He picked it up and ran to where the leader of the dig was standing.

“Sir! I think I found something.”

“Let me see that.” He said as he to the object from his assistant. “Yes. I think this is it!!!”

That night, Fantasy returned GenTech. Instead of trying to go through a window like he did the night before, he decided to go in trough a vent on the roof. Checking it for alarms, he opened the vent and climbed in. Traveling through the vents, he finally stopped at an office and, after checking it for alarms, went in.

The office was an average one for an office building. Fantasy's first stop was the computer one the desk. After getting past the Password screen, he looked through the hard drive for info. After finding nothing, he tried to hack in to the server. He had just gotten past the first part of the security when the door opened and the janitor entered.

Hiding under the desk, he waited till the janitor was vacuuming behind the desk. Sticking out his foot, he tripped him. After an uppercut that knocked the janitor out, Fantasy took his clothes and locked the Janitor in a bathroom.

Taking the janitor's equipment, he left the office and passed a guard. Fantasy slowly worked his way down to the bunker under the building that stored the main computer core for GenTech Industries. Hacking in to the core, he easily extracted the information he needed and turned to go, only to find himself face to face with 12 guards, rifles pointed at his head.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 3

GenTech. More of a fortress then a factory, the brick walls around it are 5 feet thick, with guard towers at all four entrances. On the wall, guards walk regular patrols. Security cameras, motion sensors, and auto cannons are spaced evenly. Sneaking in and surviving is nearly impossible. Inside the walls stands a small city of buildings. In the center of this city, stands GenTech Central, the nerve center of GenTech's R&D and production facilities. 8 stories tall, this modern castle is an
imposing sight amid the wilderness that surrounds it.

Despite all this security, someone has gotten in. Repelling down from the roof on a
line, Fantasy stopped at a 6th floor window and looked around. Seeing no one looking, he reached into his belt and took out a scanner. Sweeping it over the window few times, he put it back in his belt and took out another devise. Separating the 2 halves connected by a wire, he inserted one part under the window. Swinging over, he did the same with the other part. After using the scanner again, Fantasy took a glasscutter from his belt.

Just as he was about to cut the glass, he heard a shout on the other side of the wall. Climbing back up the line, he looked though a pair of binoculars and saw 6 men armed with bats and knives chasing a woman. Grabbing his stuff, Fantasy left the complex the same way he entered and chased after them.

The chase continued for a few more minutes before they cornered her in the woods. Most were armed with bats and chain, but the leader of the group carried a knife. He drew it from the sheath and walked toward the frightened woman.

“Don't worry. This won't hurt.” He said with a wicked smile.

“Much! ” Another added, laughing at his joke.

The thug close in on the woman, ready for the kill. Suddenly, one of them went flying backwards. Turning around, they were startled to see Fantasy.

“Good.” The hero said as he knocked out the thug. “I hate pain.”

As the remaining thugs charged towards him, Fantasy pulled a collapsible staff from his belt and extended it. Deflecting the first attack with ease, Fantasy defeated the first thug with 2 quick blows to the head. Blocking an attack from behind, he nailed his foe in the stomach with his staff and finished him with a roundhouse kick. Dodging to avoid a slash meant to slit his throat, Fantasy knocked the knife out of the lead thug’s hand, and then brought the staff down on his attackers head. One ran, but didn't get far before Fantasy caught him with a grapple line he launched from his gauntlets. Pulling him in, he defeated the thug with one punch. Three quick blows with his staff took out a 5th foe, and a flying kick followed by an uppercut was enough to stop the sixth fleeing thug.

A few hours later, Fantasy walked into the main room of the cave. Mac, who was still examining the cyborg, looked up as he entered the room.

“Any luck?”

Fantasy sighed as he sat down at the computer. “Nope. Had to stop because some thugs were chasing a woman outside of the compound. Figured I should try again tomorrow night in case they caused security to wake up. I took them down thought. They’re sitting in a cell right now.”

Mac stood, grabbed a can of pop and tossed it at his young friend. “Well at least it wasn't a total waste. Do you think they know you were there?”

“I don’t think so.” Fantasy said as he opened the can. “I didn’t leave any evidence behind, but if they are as advanced as you say, they might have know.”

“As good as you are at stealth, I doubt they would have anything that could show that you were there.” Mac said, sitting down across from Fantasy. “Hopefully they won’t increase security. We need to know what they are up to, if there are more of these things, and how to stop them.”

Suddenly, a blue light filled the room. Looking towards the entrance, Fantasy and Mac were surprised to see a person stumble out of the light. He fell to the ground as the light faded and slowly got to he feet.

“There is only one-way to stop them. Have you heard the Legend Of The Fantasy Star?”