Monday, March 05, 2007

Fantasy #5: Shifting Sands Part 2 (of 2)

“You seem surprised to see me hero?”

“A little. I thought Mac took you out with that rocket.*

“An I would have perished in the crash, if it hadn’t been for my powers.”

“Shape changing saved your life?” Fantasy said with a laugh as he looked at his friends. “This should be interesting. What did you do, turn yourself into a giant turtle?”

“You’re funny hero. I might keep you alive; make you my court jester when I reclaim my throne. But there is more to my powers then simply shape changing. Several months before you attacked me, your government tried to have me killed, and would have succeeded if it hadn’t been a blood transfusion from a young mutant in my employ. The blood transfusion had an interesting side effect. I was able to not only use his appearance, but also his powers, giving me the ability to breathe under water. After jumping from the helicopter, I took on his form and used his powers to survive. I swam to safety and changed into the pilot before passing out.”

“Um, excuse me, but how is that possible?” Lightshow asked, confused. “Metamorphs return to their true form when knocked out.”

Super Shift laughed. “That may be true for most metamorphs my dear, but I am far from average. While all shape changers alter their cells, mine retain their memory, allowing me to retain my shape whether asleep or awake. The only time my true form will be reveled is if I choose, or if I am dead.”

“How about you let us out of these cages and we make that happen” “Lycanthrope growled as he continued to try changing.

“I’m not nearly stupid enough to do that. Now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend too. I will kill you when I return, in the mean time, Blaster is more then willing to destroy you with ease.”

The heroes continued to struggle to break free as Super Shift walked away, laughing.

A hidden base in the Andes Mountains.

A virtual army of robots cowered in fear as their leader roared in anger. The large white robot stood before his throne, the head of a destroyed minion clutched in his hands as sparks flew from it’s body at his feet.

“This is unacceptable! First Mixar escapes, and takes with him a part of my ultimate weapon, and now this slave destroys three of my Soldiers and escapes as well! Robat! Stand before your master!”

A robot slightly larger then the recently destroyed one kneeled before him. “Yes Master?” He said nervously.

“Robat, your troops failed me twice already. Anyone else and I would have destroyed you by now, but I will give you one last chance. Take your soldiers. Find Mixar and this cyborg. Capture them if possible, destroy them if necessary, and bring me the weapon.”

Robat stood. “It will be done Master.”

Summoning a group of bat-like robots, Robat lead them out of the caves, in search of their prey.

In the warehouse, Lycanthrope and Lightshow continued to attempt to break free while Fantasy remained motionless, smiling.

“Smiling ain’t gonna help you escape kid.” Lycanthrope said, panting

“Don’t worry John. Just saving my strength for when I break out of here.”

“And how do you plan on doing that? I know you have a lot of powers, but last I checked one of them isn’t super strength.”

“That is because I know something you don’t.”

“And that would be?”

“You’ll find out when Super Shift gets back. I want him to see this too.”

The Oceanview Observatory.

Normally a rather quite place, tonight it is full of activity as the scientists hurry to check their calculations. After several minutes, one of them walks into an office.

“Dr. Reed! Your estimates were correct.”

A gray-haired man put down his coffee cup and sighed. “I was afraid of that. Contact the president and meet me at the airport in one hour. How much time do we have?”

“Two months sir.”

“Then I hope the president listens to us, because if he doesn’t, River City is doomed.”

Blaster stood and smiles as Super Shift returned. “Still trying to break free I see. Apparently your Neanderthal friend wasn’t able to rescue you this time.”
“So what are you going to do this time Shifty?” Fantasy asked, smiling. “Tie us to train tracks again?”

“I admit that my last attempt to kill you was a bit overly dramatic, but this time it will be so very simple. I am sure you know what this is.”

Fantasy watched as Super Shift picked up a syringe from the table. “Amp. You’re going to make it look like we overdosed on Amp. You had to resort to buying drugs to kill us. I’m disappointed in you Super Shift.”

Super Shift laughed. “Buying? Who needs to buy Amp when you are one of the largest producer’s of the drug in the United States.”

“So you went from trying to take over a country to selling drugs. You just keep disappointing me Super Shift.”

“I didn’t have much choice hero. After all, you and your friends caused a lot of damage and injured or killed several of my men. It was necessary to begin selling Amp in order to rebuild my army. On that note, I am meeting with the leaders of both the Red Eyes and the Dead Dogs in a bit, and I would like to have you all dead by then. Blaster, lets start with our old friend here.”

“Just remember something Super Shift. President Walker asked us to bring you in. Since you aren’t dead anymore, I intend to take you down.”

“I would be interested in seeing you do that after you are dead yourself.”


Fantasy smiles as he activated his Blast Field, expanding it until it broke through his bonds. He quickly started fighting, landing several punches on Blaster before any one could react. He charges three shuriken and threw them at the cage hold Lycanthrope, who transformed and went to break Lightshow free.

Blaster swung at Fantasy, who caught his arm and sent him to the floor with and Arm Drag before charging more Shuriken and throwing them towards Super Shift. As Lycanthrope and Lightshow took care of Super Shift’s men, Fantasy continued to fight Blaster, with both men landing punch after punch.

Seeing that the battle was lost. Super Shift sounded the retreat. Changing into his former bodyguard Crusher, Super Shift helped Blaster subdue Fantasy as Lightshow and Lycanthrope went to help him, Super Shift and Blaster made their escape.

Back in the Pit, Fantasy stood in front of a portal, as his friends prepared to leave. He held Lightshow as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I wish we didn’t have to leave.” She said.

Fantasy smiled. “So do I, but they need you guys back home, and I’m needed here.”
After sharing a kiss, Fantasy watched as she entered the portal with her father, returning home as the portal closed behind them.

The light went out, leaving the being in total darkness. He cursed, angry. He had been so close, so close to returning home, but it did not mater. He was almost there, and soon enough, he would be free from his exile.

*--Mac fired a rocket at Super Shift’s chopper in Alliances Formed. Super Shift was believed to have been killed in the crash.


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