Monday, May 21, 2007

Fantasy #7: Hostage

The day started out normally. The United Federal Bank opened its door, and people were going in to cash their paychecks, make withdrawals, normal business at a bank. Then several men with guns entered, and everything went down hill from there.

The Whitehouse

“Mr. President, you have to reconsider!”

President Walker looked up at the man standing before him. He had never liked scientists much, and Dr. Henry Reed was getting on his nerves.

“First of all doctor, I am the president of the United States. You can advise me, recommend a course of action, but you cannot demand that I do anything. Now I understand that you are concerned. Based on your data, I would be too. But I can’t go on the recommendation of just one scientist. I have sent the data to several of the smartest men in the world and they all agree. Your findings are wrong. The meteor will not hit River City. Hell, it probably won’t even earth, and if it does, it will most likely burn up in our atmosphere.”

“President Walker, please reconsider. The lives of countless people are at stake here.”

“I know that doctor, but I can’t do anything based on the recommendation of one scientist, especially not when the evidence says you were wrong. Now if you will excuse me, there is a situation that I have to deal with.”

Dr Reed left the oval office and climbed into the waiting limo, where his assistant was waiting for him.

“The President said no, didn’t he.”

Reed shook his head, unable to say the words.

“What do we do next sir?”

“Contact GenTech.” Reed said after a moment. “They have been working on various projects for the government, maybe they have something that can stop that thing.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then we have five weeks to think of something, or River City is doomed.”

“Hello. This is Zelda Quinn, outside the United Federal Bank, where an hour ago armed men stormed in and took the people inside hostage. While the exact number of people inside is unknown, there are believed to five gunmen inside. The FBI has been called in, and they have stated that they believe that it is the work of a cult known as the Brotherhood of Dahaka. The Brotherhood is believed to be responsible for several other terrorist like acts over they years, including”

One of the men turned off the T.V., much to the disappointment of the others.

“Do you not wish to hear of our groups past activities Brother Michael?”

“I know of these activities Brother Gregory, perhaps better then you. I was involved in several of them, and now we have been reduced to taking hostages in order for our demands to be heard.”

Brother Gregory moved closer and put a reassuring hand on Michael’s shoulder. “Worry not brother, for after today, our leader will once again be free, and with his aid, the world will once again fear the name Dahaka as it once did.”

”Perhaps, but first these fools must release Brother Charred. And that may only be possible if proceeded by the death of these.”

“Acceptable losses to ensure that our lord and master Dahaka can return to rule the world.”

Before they could discuss the issue further, their discussion was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. All five men pointed their guns at a young man in his mid twenties, who pushed his sun glasses up and slowly reached into his trench coat, taking out the phone.

“Hello? Oh, hi grandma. Yeah, I got here all right. Man is this one funky town. Ok, I’ll be there in a few hours. Talk to ya soon. Bye.”

“Time to go!” Mac said as he hung up the phone.
“Where are we going?”

Mac threw an MP5 to Traveler. “I just called Ric. His in trouble.”

“How could you tell?”

“He used the phrase Funky town.”

“I do not understand.”

“It’s something he picked up while watching a rerun of Supernatural. It means that there is a gun on him, and five will get you ten that he is at the bank with the hostages.”

“Then why has he not tried to free himself and the hostages?”

“For the same reason he and Duke use the names Fantasy and Black Ninja. If he uses his powers, then they might be able to figure out who he is and come looking for him. Out here it would be no big deal, but what if they attacked at a concert or something.”

“Then civilians could be hurt.”

“Exactly. That is why most superhero types use secret identities. To protect those around them; family, friends, even innocent bystanders.”

Traveler put the gun on the table.” If we are to mount a rescue operation, then I will not be needing this.”

“Traveler, this is no time to be a pacifist.”

“I did not say I would not fight.” He said as he walked into the armory. He walked out with a collapsible staff. “I just prefer not to use guns.”

Mac smiled. “Fine with me. Lets get going. Even if we don’t have to fight, Ric will need a rid once he escapes.”

“You believe he intends to fight? Will he be able to defeat them with out his powers?”

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

A lab in Thunder Falls, Maine

Jay Allen sat at his workbench, muttering to himself. Once a successful scientist working on his inventions at OmniCorp’s headquarters in Florida, he was now forced to work in his home, having been blamed for an accident that nearly killed a man. It wasn’t his fault that janitor had been clumsy, but he had been fired nonetheless.
As he worked, sparks flew from the object on the bench before it started to glow from the lights on it. Allen smiled.

If this worked, OmniCorp would pay.

The United Federal Bank--River City

Michael passed back and forth in front of the hostages. He could see the police and the FBI outside. It had been several hours since they had issued their demands, but all they had gotten was typical negotiator stalling. After cursing under his breath, he walked to where Gregory was standing, watching the coverage of the situation.

“These heathens are trying my patience. What must we do to get them to listen?”

“Perhaps it is time to make good on our threats. After all, our lord Dahaka was more then willing to destroy the unbelievers. We should be just as willing to free these souls, for the glory of our lord.”

“I agree” Michael said, smiling as he looked at the hostages. “And I think I know who to start with.”

He walked over to the man in the trench coat and pointed his gun at his head. “What is your name?”

“Why should I tell you? Will it keep you from killing me?”

“Not at all.” Michael said with a laugh. “I merely want to know so that I can tell Dahaka that you were the first to die in order that he may return.”

“Well then, you’re just going to have to wait until my obit shows up in the paper then.”

Michael growled in frustration as he forced the man to his feet. As they walked closer to a window, the man touched the ropes binding his hands, causing them to glow red. After a moment, he fell against the wall, grunting as he hit it to cover up a small pop. Michael pulled him to his feet, not noticing the ropes on the floor. He forced the man to his knees and pointed his gun at the back of his head, allowing the police to see what was happening.

“Any last words?”

“None fit for a family publication.”

Michael chuckled as he prepared to fire. “For some reason I think I shall enjoy killing you.”

The man smiled. “Too bad you’ll be disappointed.”

At once the man spun around, punching Michael in the stomach, fallowed by a knee to the face. A roundhouse kick knocked Michael to the ground. The man picked him up by his shirt.

“For the record, my name is Ric Connelly. Remember it.”

After knocking Michael out, Ric grabbed his gun and ran into the other room, diving as he entered and shooting the guns out of the hands of two of the men’s hands. He rolled as he hit the ground, knocking a third down with a sweep kick before shooting the gun out of a third’s. As the hostages ran to the other side of the room, Ric jumped towards the first man he shot at and landed a punch, followed by a spin kick to the second. He grabbed a broom, breaking off the end and used it as a staff to knock out three of the men before the last one managed to get to his gun. He shot at Ric, but the bullet seemed to bounce off his arm as it hit what looked like an orange field. Ric threw his staff at the man before knocking him out as well.

With the fight over, Ric bent down to pick up his sunglasses, which had fallen off during the fight. He glanced at the hostages.

“You might want to get out of there. The feds will be busting in here soon.”

They stood and headed towards the door, shaken, but unharmed. One of them, a young red haired lady, hesitated before leaving as Michael stumbled into the room.

“This isn’t over yet Connelly. We’ll find you. We’ll make you pay for daring to oppose us.”

“Good luck trying to find me. And if you do, I’ll be ready for you.” Ric said, smiling as he knocked Michael out once again.

The Pit

“Ric! I think you better see this!”

Ric ran up to the computers where Mac was watching T.V. “What’s up?”

“Saw something interesting on the evening news.”

Mac rewound the tape and showed him.

“The hostages have all been questioned, and while they don’t know the identity of the man who saved them, nor how he escaped, the all agree that they would be dead if it weren’t for him. The only clue authorities have is security camera footage.”

Mac paused the tape, showing footage of Ric after put his glasses back on. “So much for the secret identity.”

“If that is the best shot they have of me, then we are fine. Besides, what did you want me to do, stand by as they killed those people?”

“No, but what about descriptions, and what abut the Brotherhood.”

“They’ll have fun finding me. Remember, I don’t exist.”

Mac smiled, unpausing the tape. “Whoever he is, he has the thanks of not just the authorities and the people he saved, but also the gratitude of River City.”