Monday, May 21, 2007

Fantasy #7: Hostage

The day started out normally. The United Federal Bank opened its door, and people were going in to cash their paychecks, make withdrawals, normal business at a bank. Then several men with guns entered, and everything went down hill from there.

The Whitehouse

“Mr. President, you have to reconsider!”

President Walker looked up at the man standing before him. He had never liked scientists much, and Dr. Henry Reed was getting on his nerves.

“First of all doctor, I am the president of the United States. You can advise me, recommend a course of action, but you cannot demand that I do anything. Now I understand that you are concerned. Based on your data, I would be too. But I can’t go on the recommendation of just one scientist. I have sent the data to several of the smartest men in the world and they all agree. Your findings are wrong. The meteor will not hit River City. Hell, it probably won’t even earth, and if it does, it will most likely burn up in our atmosphere.”

“President Walker, please reconsider. The lives of countless people are at stake here.”

“I know that doctor, but I can’t do anything based on the recommendation of one scientist, especially not when the evidence says you were wrong. Now if you will excuse me, there is a situation that I have to deal with.”

Dr Reed left the oval office and climbed into the waiting limo, where his assistant was waiting for him.

“The President said no, didn’t he.”

Reed shook his head, unable to say the words.

“What do we do next sir?”

“Contact GenTech.” Reed said after a moment. “They have been working on various projects for the government, maybe they have something that can stop that thing.”

“And if they don’t?”

“Then we have five weeks to think of something, or River City is doomed.”

“Hello. This is Zelda Quinn, outside the United Federal Bank, where an hour ago armed men stormed in and took the people inside hostage. While the exact number of people inside is unknown, there are believed to five gunmen inside. The FBI has been called in, and they have stated that they believe that it is the work of a cult known as the Brotherhood of Dahaka. The Brotherhood is believed to be responsible for several other terrorist like acts over they years, including”

One of the men turned off the T.V., much to the disappointment of the others.

“Do you not wish to hear of our groups past activities Brother Michael?”

“I know of these activities Brother Gregory, perhaps better then you. I was involved in several of them, and now we have been reduced to taking hostages in order for our demands to be heard.”

Brother Gregory moved closer and put a reassuring hand on Michael’s shoulder. “Worry not brother, for after today, our leader will once again be free, and with his aid, the world will once again fear the name Dahaka as it once did.”

”Perhaps, but first these fools must release Brother Charred. And that may only be possible if proceeded by the death of these.”

“Acceptable losses to ensure that our lord and master Dahaka can return to rule the world.”

Before they could discuss the issue further, their discussion was interrupted by a cell phone ringing. All five men pointed their guns at a young man in his mid twenties, who pushed his sun glasses up and slowly reached into his trench coat, taking out the phone.

“Hello? Oh, hi grandma. Yeah, I got here all right. Man is this one funky town. Ok, I’ll be there in a few hours. Talk to ya soon. Bye.”

“Time to go!” Mac said as he hung up the phone.
“Where are we going?”

Mac threw an MP5 to Traveler. “I just called Ric. His in trouble.”

“How could you tell?”

“He used the phrase Funky town.”

“I do not understand.”

“It’s something he picked up while watching a rerun of Supernatural. It means that there is a gun on him, and five will get you ten that he is at the bank with the hostages.”

“Then why has he not tried to free himself and the hostages?”

“For the same reason he and Duke use the names Fantasy and Black Ninja. If he uses his powers, then they might be able to figure out who he is and come looking for him. Out here it would be no big deal, but what if they attacked at a concert or something.”

“Then civilians could be hurt.”

“Exactly. That is why most superhero types use secret identities. To protect those around them; family, friends, even innocent bystanders.”

Traveler put the gun on the table.” If we are to mount a rescue operation, then I will not be needing this.”

“Traveler, this is no time to be a pacifist.”

“I did not say I would not fight.” He said as he walked into the armory. He walked out with a collapsible staff. “I just prefer not to use guns.”

Mac smiled. “Fine with me. Lets get going. Even if we don’t have to fight, Ric will need a rid once he escapes.”

“You believe he intends to fight? Will he be able to defeat them with out his powers?”

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

A lab in Thunder Falls, Maine

Jay Allen sat at his workbench, muttering to himself. Once a successful scientist working on his inventions at OmniCorp’s headquarters in Florida, he was now forced to work in his home, having been blamed for an accident that nearly killed a man. It wasn’t his fault that janitor had been clumsy, but he had been fired nonetheless.
As he worked, sparks flew from the object on the bench before it started to glow from the lights on it. Allen smiled.

If this worked, OmniCorp would pay.

The United Federal Bank--River City

Michael passed back and forth in front of the hostages. He could see the police and the FBI outside. It had been several hours since they had issued their demands, but all they had gotten was typical negotiator stalling. After cursing under his breath, he walked to where Gregory was standing, watching the coverage of the situation.

“These heathens are trying my patience. What must we do to get them to listen?”

“Perhaps it is time to make good on our threats. After all, our lord Dahaka was more then willing to destroy the unbelievers. We should be just as willing to free these souls, for the glory of our lord.”

“I agree” Michael said, smiling as he looked at the hostages. “And I think I know who to start with.”

He walked over to the man in the trench coat and pointed his gun at his head. “What is your name?”

“Why should I tell you? Will it keep you from killing me?”

“Not at all.” Michael said with a laugh. “I merely want to know so that I can tell Dahaka that you were the first to die in order that he may return.”

“Well then, you’re just going to have to wait until my obit shows up in the paper then.”

Michael growled in frustration as he forced the man to his feet. As they walked closer to a window, the man touched the ropes binding his hands, causing them to glow red. After a moment, he fell against the wall, grunting as he hit it to cover up a small pop. Michael pulled him to his feet, not noticing the ropes on the floor. He forced the man to his knees and pointed his gun at the back of his head, allowing the police to see what was happening.

“Any last words?”

“None fit for a family publication.”

Michael chuckled as he prepared to fire. “For some reason I think I shall enjoy killing you.”

The man smiled. “Too bad you’ll be disappointed.”

At once the man spun around, punching Michael in the stomach, fallowed by a knee to the face. A roundhouse kick knocked Michael to the ground. The man picked him up by his shirt.

“For the record, my name is Ric Connelly. Remember it.”

After knocking Michael out, Ric grabbed his gun and ran into the other room, diving as he entered and shooting the guns out of the hands of two of the men’s hands. He rolled as he hit the ground, knocking a third down with a sweep kick before shooting the gun out of a third’s. As the hostages ran to the other side of the room, Ric jumped towards the first man he shot at and landed a punch, followed by a spin kick to the second. He grabbed a broom, breaking off the end and used it as a staff to knock out three of the men before the last one managed to get to his gun. He shot at Ric, but the bullet seemed to bounce off his arm as it hit what looked like an orange field. Ric threw his staff at the man before knocking him out as well.

With the fight over, Ric bent down to pick up his sunglasses, which had fallen off during the fight. He glanced at the hostages.

“You might want to get out of there. The feds will be busting in here soon.”

They stood and headed towards the door, shaken, but unharmed. One of them, a young red haired lady, hesitated before leaving as Michael stumbled into the room.

“This isn’t over yet Connelly. We’ll find you. We’ll make you pay for daring to oppose us.”

“Good luck trying to find me. And if you do, I’ll be ready for you.” Ric said, smiling as he knocked Michael out once again.

The Pit

“Ric! I think you better see this!”

Ric ran up to the computers where Mac was watching T.V. “What’s up?”

“Saw something interesting on the evening news.”

Mac rewound the tape and showed him.

“The hostages have all been questioned, and while they don’t know the identity of the man who saved them, nor how he escaped, the all agree that they would be dead if it weren’t for him. The only clue authorities have is security camera footage.”

Mac paused the tape, showing footage of Ric after put his glasses back on. “So much for the secret identity.”

“If that is the best shot they have of me, then we are fine. Besides, what did you want me to do, stand by as they killed those people?”

“No, but what about descriptions, and what abut the Brotherhood.”

“They’ll have fun finding me. Remember, I don’t exist.”

Mac smiled, unpausing the tape. “Whoever he is, he has the thanks of not just the authorities and the people he saved, but also the gratitude of River City.”

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fantasy #6: Party Crasher

Finnegan’s Bar

“Lighten up Rick.”

“Yeah, You’ve been moping around for a week, ever since Lycanthrope and Lightshow went home*.”

Rick took a drink before setting the Guinness bottle on the table. “How am I supposed to act? After eight months of no contact with home, after adjusting to life here, I get to see them, get a chance to go home. What if you got a chance like that Mac? What if you’re wife and kids showed up one day and then left again?”

Mac sat in silence for a moment before answering. “The difference is you got to see them again. That’s never going to happen for me. I’m never going to see my family again, not in this life anyways.”

An uneasy silence fell upon the table for several minutes before Duke broke it.

“Look, with the lives we lead, we have all have to make sacrifices. That may mean leaving loved ones behind, not living normal lives, or even giving our lives. If we let the difficulties of our lives get to us, then we can’t do our jobs efficiently. If someone like Master Mage or The Hunter were to show up right now, would we be in any shape to fight them?”

As if on cue, the wall behind them exploded and the Hunter walked through the opening. Mac and Rick looked at Duke before all three looked at the Hunter.

“Do you have some sort of precognitive abilities we don’t know about?” Rick asked.
“Nope. Just good timing.”

“Damn.” Mac said, draining his beer. “I was going to ask you for next week’s lotto numbers.”

“So what do you think he wants this time?”

Fantasy drank the last of his Guinness before charging the bottle. “For some reason I don’t think he’s here for a beer. You guys get the civilians out of here, I’ll take care of Elmer Fudd.”

As Duke and Mac directed people towards the door, Fantasy threw the beer bottle at The Hunter and charged him, plowing shoulder first into The Hunter’s stomach and into the wall behind them.

Our Lady Of Hope hospital, Bayside Florida

Charles Aday lay in bed, machines helping him to breath. The only sound in the room was the tick of the clock, the beep of the heart monitor, and the whooshing sound of the respirator.

The doctors had done everything they could to keep him alive after being electrocuted two weeks ago. He was lucky to be alive, even if it was thanks to the machines that fed him and helped him breathe.

A nurse walked in to check on him, as she had countless times. As she wrote down something on her chart, Aday began to glow green. The glow grew until she had to look away. Suddenly the light disappeared and the heart monitor flat lined. Concerned, She looked at the bed, but Aday was gone.

The Hunter and Fantasy stood toe-to-toe, trading thunderous punches as they fought to gain the upper hand. Hunter grabbed Fantasy’s arm and threw him over the bar before firing energy blasts at it, trying to hit the hero. Fantasy managed to activate his blast field in time and returned fire, throwing several more charged bottles at the murderer.

Fantasy leapt over the bar and dove towards Hunter, who knocked him aside effortlessly before charging at the hero with a sword. Fantasy rolled out of the way as Hunter struck. Summoning his sword, Fantasy blocked another blow, sparks flying as the two blades met.

Darkness covered the River City Zoo as three men climbed over the brick wall surrounding it. They crept through the darkness, making their way towards the birdhouse. As they walked through the insect area, they stopped. One of them, Michael Brown, took out a notebook.

“What’s the name of this bird we’re looking for?”

“An Irish Fairy Wren”

“Why the hell does the boss what us to get that?”

“I don’t know, but it’s suppose to be really rare. Maybe he’s planning on selling it on E-Bay.”

As the two laughed, the third called them over to one of the displays. Michael shined his flashlight on it and recoiled in fear as his friend laughed.

“Afraid of spiders Mike?”

“You guys know I am, not lets get out of here and find that bird.”

Still laughing, the men pushed Michael towards the display. He lost his footing and fell, sending his hand through the glass. As they continued to laugh, one of the spiders sank its fangs deep into the back of Michael’s hand. He screamed in pain, and his screams became louder as a pair of spike like growths emerged from the back of his hands. He swung at his partners, barely scratching them. Their laughter stopped as they stated to make choking noises.

Both fell to the ground, dead. Michael looked at them in horror before running away, his flashlight illuminating the name on the display; Atrax robustus, the Sydney Funnel Web Spider.

Fantasy and The Hunter continued their battle; each blocking the other’s swings as the sound of swords clashing filled the room. As the tow once again locked bladed, the Hunter flew to the side, the result of a sidekick from Black Ninja.

“Just like old times I see.” Hunter said as he stood. “I’m going to finish what I started back in Gennora!**

Black Ninja started to laugh. “If I remember right, we kicked your but and sent you packing in Gennora.”

“That won’t happen again!”

The Hunter opened fire with energy blasts as Fantasy stood in front of Black Ninja, his blast field protecting both of them. Fantasy could feel the field weakening with each blow, but he had a plan.

“Duke, Keep him busy for a bit. I have an idea.”

Duke launched his fist at The Hunter before launching a barrage of punches and kicks. Hunter easily blocked each blow and knocked Black Ninja through the bar. Before he could fire at the ninja, Fantasy grabbed his arm and threw him into a table, which he had charged. The explosion sent Hunter flying, and both men started throwing shuriken at the killer. He stood as the shuriken bounced off of him. Hunter fired an energy blast at both men. Black Ninja dove out of the way as Fantasy’s blast field barely protected him.

As Hunter concentrated on Fantasy, Black Ninja grabbed a rag and a bottle, making a Molotov Cocktail. He threw the makeshift explosive at Hunter, causing it to explode and set his back on fire. As Hunter screamed in pain, Fantasy grabbed a chair and charged it up before smashing it across the killer’s face. Hunter fell to his knees, clutching his face. As he turned to face Fantasy, the hero could his face plate had been damaged, revealing the left half of his face.

Before Fantasy could launch another attack, The Hunter hit a button on his wrest and disappeared.

The trio left before the police arrived. Driving back to the mansion, they sat in silence most of the way until Mac asked the question on everyone’s mind.
“So why do you think he was there?”

“Well, last time he showed up he was targeting mutants. Maybe he was after Rick.”
Rick shook his head. “No, that isn’t it. Last time we faugh him, I tried to read his mind, to see why he was killing all those people. I couldn’t because of his armor, but tonight, when I destroyed his face plate, I got through.”

“So what was he doing there?”

“I don’t know, he escaped before I could find out. But what ever it was, he was scared.”

*--See last issue
**--Fantasy and Black ninja last fought The Hunter in the Hunted, which took place in Gennora

Monday, March 05, 2007

Fantasy #5: Shifting Sands Part 2 (of 2)

“You seem surprised to see me hero?”

“A little. I thought Mac took you out with that rocket.*

“An I would have perished in the crash, if it hadn’t been for my powers.”

“Shape changing saved your life?” Fantasy said with a laugh as he looked at his friends. “This should be interesting. What did you do, turn yourself into a giant turtle?”

“You’re funny hero. I might keep you alive; make you my court jester when I reclaim my throne. But there is more to my powers then simply shape changing. Several months before you attacked me, your government tried to have me killed, and would have succeeded if it hadn’t been a blood transfusion from a young mutant in my employ. The blood transfusion had an interesting side effect. I was able to not only use his appearance, but also his powers, giving me the ability to breathe under water. After jumping from the helicopter, I took on his form and used his powers to survive. I swam to safety and changed into the pilot before passing out.”

“Um, excuse me, but how is that possible?” Lightshow asked, confused. “Metamorphs return to their true form when knocked out.”

Super Shift laughed. “That may be true for most metamorphs my dear, but I am far from average. While all shape changers alter their cells, mine retain their memory, allowing me to retain my shape whether asleep or awake. The only time my true form will be reveled is if I choose, or if I am dead.”

“How about you let us out of these cages and we make that happen” “Lycanthrope growled as he continued to try changing.

“I’m not nearly stupid enough to do that. Now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend too. I will kill you when I return, in the mean time, Blaster is more then willing to destroy you with ease.”

The heroes continued to struggle to break free as Super Shift walked away, laughing.

A hidden base in the Andes Mountains.

A virtual army of robots cowered in fear as their leader roared in anger. The large white robot stood before his throne, the head of a destroyed minion clutched in his hands as sparks flew from it’s body at his feet.

“This is unacceptable! First Mixar escapes, and takes with him a part of my ultimate weapon, and now this slave destroys three of my Soldiers and escapes as well! Robat! Stand before your master!”

A robot slightly larger then the recently destroyed one kneeled before him. “Yes Master?” He said nervously.

“Robat, your troops failed me twice already. Anyone else and I would have destroyed you by now, but I will give you one last chance. Take your soldiers. Find Mixar and this cyborg. Capture them if possible, destroy them if necessary, and bring me the weapon.”

Robat stood. “It will be done Master.”

Summoning a group of bat-like robots, Robat lead them out of the caves, in search of their prey.

In the warehouse, Lycanthrope and Lightshow continued to attempt to break free while Fantasy remained motionless, smiling.

“Smiling ain’t gonna help you escape kid.” Lycanthrope said, panting

“Don’t worry John. Just saving my strength for when I break out of here.”

“And how do you plan on doing that? I know you have a lot of powers, but last I checked one of them isn’t super strength.”

“That is because I know something you don’t.”

“And that would be?”

“You’ll find out when Super Shift gets back. I want him to see this too.”

The Oceanview Observatory.

Normally a rather quite place, tonight it is full of activity as the scientists hurry to check their calculations. After several minutes, one of them walks into an office.

“Dr. Reed! Your estimates were correct.”

A gray-haired man put down his coffee cup and sighed. “I was afraid of that. Contact the president and meet me at the airport in one hour. How much time do we have?”

“Two months sir.”

“Then I hope the president listens to us, because if he doesn’t, River City is doomed.”

Blaster stood and smiles as Super Shift returned. “Still trying to break free I see. Apparently your Neanderthal friend wasn’t able to rescue you this time.”
“So what are you going to do this time Shifty?” Fantasy asked, smiling. “Tie us to train tracks again?”

“I admit that my last attempt to kill you was a bit overly dramatic, but this time it will be so very simple. I am sure you know what this is.”

Fantasy watched as Super Shift picked up a syringe from the table. “Amp. You’re going to make it look like we overdosed on Amp. You had to resort to buying drugs to kill us. I’m disappointed in you Super Shift.”

Super Shift laughed. “Buying? Who needs to buy Amp when you are one of the largest producer’s of the drug in the United States.”

“So you went from trying to take over a country to selling drugs. You just keep disappointing me Super Shift.”

“I didn’t have much choice hero. After all, you and your friends caused a lot of damage and injured or killed several of my men. It was necessary to begin selling Amp in order to rebuild my army. On that note, I am meeting with the leaders of both the Red Eyes and the Dead Dogs in a bit, and I would like to have you all dead by then. Blaster, lets start with our old friend here.”

“Just remember something Super Shift. President Walker asked us to bring you in. Since you aren’t dead anymore, I intend to take you down.”

“I would be interested in seeing you do that after you are dead yourself.”


Fantasy smiles as he activated his Blast Field, expanding it until it broke through his bonds. He quickly started fighting, landing several punches on Blaster before any one could react. He charges three shuriken and threw them at the cage hold Lycanthrope, who transformed and went to break Lightshow free.

Blaster swung at Fantasy, who caught his arm and sent him to the floor with and Arm Drag before charging more Shuriken and throwing them towards Super Shift. As Lycanthrope and Lightshow took care of Super Shift’s men, Fantasy continued to fight Blaster, with both men landing punch after punch.

Seeing that the battle was lost. Super Shift sounded the retreat. Changing into his former bodyguard Crusher, Super Shift helped Blaster subdue Fantasy as Lightshow and Lycanthrope went to help him, Super Shift and Blaster made their escape.

Back in the Pit, Fantasy stood in front of a portal, as his friends prepared to leave. He held Lightshow as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I wish we didn’t have to leave.” She said.

Fantasy smiled. “So do I, but they need you guys back home, and I’m needed here.”
After sharing a kiss, Fantasy watched as she entered the portal with her father, returning home as the portal closed behind them.

The light went out, leaving the being in total darkness. He cursed, angry. He had been so close, so close to returning home, but it did not mater. He was almost there, and soon enough, he would be free from his exile.

*--Mac fired a rocket at Super Shift’s chopper in Alliances Formed. Super Shift was believed to have been killed in the crash.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Fantasy #4: Shifting Sands Part 1 (of 2)

Huey King cowered in the corner, staring up at the man before him. Everything had been normal only a few minutes ago, then he burst into the room and it all went down hill from there. After killing Riley and Bob with his bare hands, the man who called himself Blaster walked over to Huey.

“I hear you’ve been holding out on my boss. It’s not wise to take something that doesn’t belong to you. Give me the money you skimmed off the top, and maybe I’ll let you go. Either that or you can join your friends over there.”

Huey was to scared to say anything. He just pointed towards the couch. Blaster walked over to it, tearing it apart until he found the money Huey had stolen. After checking to make sure it was all there, Blaster made his way back to Huey and grabbed him by the throat.

“Remember when I said I would let you live? I lied. You’re going to be a message to anyone who thinks about messing with my boss.”

Blaster slammed Huey into the wall, shattering his skull. Blaster crushed his neck and let Huey’s lifeless body slide to the floor. He grabbed the briefcase full of money and walked out of the room, leaving three bodies behind.

“According to a police report, all three men were members of the Blood Eyes, the notorious gang that controls Riverside neighborhood. While the reason for the murder is currently unknown, police have ruled out rival gang the Dead Dogs and are questioning reputed mob boss Antonio Giovanni. When asked, Giovanni’s lawyer said that his client had no comment.”

Mac turned off the T.V. and handed Rick a piece of paper. “My contacts in the police department say that they have no idea who did this, and are just covering their backs by checking into Giovanni’s operations. Seems that this isn’t the first time this happened either. The total body count is thirteen, some Blood eyes, some Dead Dogs. The only connection seems to be that they were all Amp dealers and they were all killed the same way. By hand.”

“So their thinking someone with enhanced strength? That narrows it down. Since I got to this world, I’ve run into two bad guys with enhanced strength and an army of super strong cyborgs. Plus Duke is stronger then the average person thanks to those arms you gave him.* Who knows how many other strong guys are out there?”

“The point is, there may be a new player in town, we need to be ready.”

“You’re absolutely right, but what if Master Mage is right and Nogard** is real? Shouldn’t we be out looking for him?”

“We’ve been looking for the last two weeks. If he did make it through the portal, he’s probably of licking his wounds.”

“Have you tried the Astroplane again?” The Traveler asked as he entered the room, startling both men.

Fantasy set the papers down on the table. “I’ve tried a few times, but I haven’t found him. Either he didn’t make it, or his Psychic Signature is being masked some how.”

“Is that even possible?” Mac asked.

“I don’t think he could do it himself, but if he’s working with someone with telepathic powers, they could be masking him. Either that or someone is messing with the Astroplane. Annihilix was strong enough to cause problems. If there is someone like him messing with things, we’re in trouble. It took everything we had to defeat him in my world. With just us and Ninja Force*** , we might be in trouble.”

“Since we have no way to find Master Mage,” The Traveler said as he placed a hand on Rick’s shoulder “I think it would be wise if we practiced opening portals. The ability to travel to other worlds may be useful, but it seems that I can no longer do so myself. I will need to use your body as a conduit, and I believe that practice will help to alleviate the headaches you have suffered from in the past.”

Rick agreed, took some aspirin, and sat down facing the wall. The Traveler placed his hands on either side of his head and once again blue light shot out of the young hero’s hands, creating a shimmering blue portal.

As Rick recovered, Mac noticed movement on the event horizon and grabbed a pair of MP5s from the gun rack. Handing one to Rick, all three men took cover. Suddenly flashes of white light filled the room, blinding them. Mac began to fire blindly, but Rick noticed a familiar scent.

“Mac! Hold you’re fire!”

The light died down to reveal two beings. One, covered with brown fur, stood in an almost beast like stance while the other, wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses, held her hands in front of her.



They ran towards each other, colliding into a warm embrace. As they kissed, Mac slowly stood.
“Rick, mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Sorry Mac. The fur-ball over there is John Walker, Codename Lycanthrope. And this” He said, smiling at the girl in his arms. “Is his daughter Jasmine, Codename Lightshow.”

Mac put his gun down on a nearby table. “So, we finally get to meet the girlfriend. Been hearing about her since we met, figured we would never meet. Name’s Mac, and the guy in white over there is The Traveler.”

Lycanthrope roared as he returned to his human form, claws retracting, and fur receding, until John Walker stood in front of them, holding out a hand. “Nice to meet ya.” He said in a gruff voice.

The Traveler looked at the newcomers, confused as the portal disappeared. “I do not understand what has happened. How could they have arrived here?”

“I think I can explain that.” Rick said, placing an arm around Jasmine’s shoulder. “Same way we got Flashjack home**** and I followed Master Mage to that other dimension.***** I guess I was thinking about home when we opened the portal.”

“And when dad and I saw the portal open up, we entered to investigate and showed up here.”
The Traveler nodded his head. “That would explain it. We will have to reopen the portal soon, so that they can return, however I do not think a brief wait would be a problem.”

Rick smiled at his friend. “Thanks Traveler. I wanted to show them this world’s River City.”
As the three of them made their way towards the elevator to the mansion, a phone rang and Mac answered. After a brief conversation, he hung up.

“Looks like the guided tour is going to have to wait. My contacts just told me that there’s been a new murder. He said that he could give us a half hour to investigate before the cops showed up.”
John smiled. “We’ll give you a hand Rick. We’ll be able to cover more ground that way.”

“Jasmine hugged him. “It’ll be just like old times.”

In an isolated part on the Andes Mountains, an unsuspecting cave houses a deadly secret. Deep with in the mountains, hundreds of machines are at work, mining for material and building an army.

The industrial calm is soon broken as weapons fire erupts. Three bat like robots opened fire, chasing a human in blue. The man dove behind a rock and opened fire, sending several energy bolts into the air and hitting one of the bats in the wing, sending it crashing onto machinery.

The other two continued their chase as the ban dove into a tunnel and caved in the opening, leaving an opening too small for the robots. The man smiled as they flew away. He turned on a flashlight and walked down the tunnel, firing behind him as he went.

In a normal looking warehouse in River City, Blaster walked into the office. Inside, a man was sitting in a high backed chair, looking out the window.

“You wanted something boss?”

“I’m disappointed in you Blaster. It’s not like you to be so sloppy.”

“What do you mean?”

“”I don’t have a problem with you leaving a trail of bodies in your wake, but I at least expected you to bring everything back with you.”

“I’m not following you. I brought back your money.”

“But you left the Amp. What good is one of the most addictive drugs in the history of mankind, if I can’t make money off of it? If you want to retain your position in my organization, then I would suggest that you bring me back my drugs.”

“Sure thing boss.”

Omnicorp labs, Bayside Florida.

Charles Aday enjoyed his job. Sure being a janitor wasn’t the most glamorous job, but it gave him time to think. More importantly it gave him a chance to work near cutting edge technology. He had always love technology, and had wanted to be an inventor or a scientist, but learning disabilities kept him from getting good grades. Frustrated, he chose not to go to college, and ended up working minimum wage jobs such as this.

As he swept near some chemicals that were under development, Aday accidentally knocked one off the table, covering him and the floor. As he moved towards his cart to get a mop, Charles slipped in the chemicals. He fell, his hand crashing through the glass of a near by computer monitor.

Aday’s body shook and the lights dimmed as several thousand volts of electricity coursed through his body.

Fantasy checked his watch as they arrived at the ally. They had ten minutes before the cops arrived. More then enough time.

Lycanthrope was already using his enhanced senses to search for clues, and it wasn’t long before they found a briefcase hidden behind a dumpster. As they went to open it, Lightshow was grabbed from behind and thrown against the wall, breaking the brick and knocking her out. Both men turned to look and saw Blaster standing there. Lycanthrope began to change to her beast mode, but Blaster quickly grabbed the hero and slammed him against the wall before caving in the lid of the dumpster.

Fantasy tried to fight back, but Blaster proved to be too much for him. Blaster grabbed Fantasy by the throat and slammed him into the concrete before throwing him across the ally. Fantasy barely managed to activate his blast field in time. He quickly charges several Shuriken and threw them at Blaster, which staggered him. Fantasy charged more, but this time Blaster dodged them and knocked the young hero out with a devastating punch. Blaster standing over him was the last thing Fantasy saw before everything went black.

Fantasy opened his eyes to find himself in a warehouse, location unknown. He tried to move his arms, only to find himself strapped to a chair. He looked around and saw that Lightshow was being held the same way while Lycanthrope was trapped inside a metal cage.

Before he could wonder where he was, Blaster walked into the room.

“Here I was just hoping to get the Amp back for my boss. Imagine my surprise to find you there too. You aren’t going to escape like you did last time either. Your buddy isn’t going to show up at the last second to save the day.”

“What are you talking about? Who are you.”

Before Blaster could respond, a familiar voice was heard from the shadows.

“He’s one of the few personal guards I have left after your attack on my headquarters, an attack that took the life of my right hand man, and nearly killed me as well.”

“Like I said, who are you?”

“I’m sad you don’t recognize my voice, but then again I didn’t look like this when we fought last.” The man said as he walked out of the shadows. His brown suit and white hair gave him the look of a businessman. “I looked like this.”

As the man drew nearer, his body seemed to melt and reform it’s self. Fantasy’s eyes went wide beneath his visor as he realized whom it was.

“Super Shift!”

*--See Alliances Formed for details
**--Nogard is an ancient evil that was defeated by the combined forces of Asgard. Master Mage is working to bring Nogard back to the Earthrealm.
***--Ninja Force is the name of the team that Black Ninja leads.
****--See The Hunted for Details.
*****--Fantasy fought Master Mage with the help of Sigma Force last issue.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fantasy #3: Powers Combined Part 2 (of 2)

As Sigma Force and their new friend took off to safety to the Warehouse, Scorpion and Master Mage begin celebrating their quick victory.

“Are you sure you found it?”

“I dispatched a wraith to follow Fantasy and Sigma Force and it has found their location.”

“Perfect! Once their precious warehouse is destroyed, we will not only destroy their powers, but we will finally get revenge and take over the world!”

At The Warehouse

Sigma Gold pulled up to the Warehouse door and honked his horn. As they pulled in, Fantasy looked at him.

“Is this it? A warehouse?”

“Unfortunately when we moved here from California we didn't have time to shop around for a new place.” He said, smiling.

As they walked into the Sigma Command Center, fantasy turned and saw a small robot closing the door behind them.

“Hey cool robot. You should build a new one though. This one looks.... old!”

The robot looked at him. “Hey watch it buddy! I'm the best in a long line of Deltas!”

“Welcome to Ocala, Florida on the planet of Earth. I am Nautica, Mentor and guardian to Sigma Force

“Pleased to meet you.”

“Let me introduce the team to you.”

Fantasy turns around to face Sigma Force as they all deactivate their Energizers and return to their street clothes.

“This is Lisa, Sigma Purple and wife of Sigma Gold” Nautica said, pointing towards the woman standing next to Sigma Gold. “Over there is Kristy, Sigma Aqua, Justin, Sigma Green, Casey, Sigma Blue, Sarah, Sigma Red, and Andros, Sigma Black.”

Andros stepped forward. “Hi there.”

Fantasy shook his hand. “Nice to meet all of you.”

Nautica continued with the introductions. “And over by those computers is Brittany, Sigma Pink, Zhane, Sigma Purple, Billy, the Phantom Centurion, and David, the Triforian Warrior”

“Last but certainly not least, myself. Hi I'm Eric, Sigma Gold, and the leader of the team. I'm also a Lucani Master.”

Fantasy looked at Eric, a bit confused. “I have no idea what that is but cool!”

“Sigma Force, we are in a grim situation. Scorpion has joined forces with a being known as Master Mage. Those monsters you fought were probably his doing.”

“Would that explain Vampiro's appearance too?” Brittany asked.

Billy nodded. “ Probably but we're still working that out.”

“I know Master Mage. I've been chasing him.” Fantasy added. “He's a dangerous being. He must be taken down as soon as possible!”

“Easier said then done.” Eric said after checking a monitor. “Our Mechs are badly damaged and nearly out of power. I don't think they can take much more abuse.”

Nautica shook her head. “I don't know how we're gonna do it but we need more power for the Ninja Mechs, or they will be destroyed and so will your powers."

“Eric, don't we still have our Storm powers left?” Casey asked.

Eric smiled grimly. “Yeah we do. We could use them in case of a last resort, but I think we're still better off for with the Ninja Mechs.”

“Maybe I can help!” Fantasy said as he looked at his ring. “Why don't I help you recharge your fighting vehicles? My sword might be able to do the trick.”

Before anyone could say anything, the Warehouse began to shake fires began to break out as sirens started to sound.

“What's going on?” Kristy said as she got back to her feet.

Eric checked the external sensors. “There's a monster outside. It's something I've never seen before!”

Fantasy looked at the sensor readings. “It's a wraith. After my last battle against Master Mage, I did some research. A wraith is only as powerful as the Necromancer that summons it, so this could be a very dangerous monster. I'll handle him and Master Mage. You guys should take on that Vampiro thing.”

“Billy before you go, can you power up the Storm Powers just in case?” Nautica said as Sigma Force prepared to head out.

Billy smiled. “I’m way ahead of you. They're already on line and ready to go.”

Eric watched as he teammates entered the power chambers at the back of the warehouse.

“Ready guys?”


“Alright. Guys. Let’s Power Up!”

Eric entered the chamber in the center as each was bathed in light the color of their uniforms. As the light faded, they disappeared, replaced by the warriors of Sigma Force.

Fantasy and Sigma Force ran outside to see Master Mage and the wraith attacking the warehouse as Vampiro, who had grown to over a hundred stories, walked closer. Vampiro saw them exit the building and laughed.

“I shall enjoy destroying you multi colored Pez rejects!“

“I don’t think so.” Eric said, raising his hand. “Ninja Megamech! Power up!”

Across town, the ground shook at the Ocala International Airport as runway 7 raised above ground, revealing a hidden hanger beneath it. The Ninja Mechs emerged from the hanger as people watched in amazement. As they flew towards the Warehouse, the Mechs transformed, merging to form the Ninja Megamech.

The Megamech landed in front of Vampiro shaking the nearby buildings and breaking windows on the lower levels. The Megamech turned towards it’s opponent, leaving craters the size of semis in its wake. On the ground, the members of Sigma Force pressed buttons on their communicators and teleported into the command center of the Megamech.

“All systems online. Power levels are at fifty-seven percent.”

Eric nodded to his teammates before looking out the through the Megamech’s visor at Vampiro. “Alright guys, lets teach this thing not to mess with our city.”

The Megamech charged towards Vampiro, landing a massive blow that threw the monster into the building behind it and knocking it off its foundation. On the ground Master Mage and the wraith turned towards Fantasy as he summoned his sword.

“Master Mage! Time to finish what we started in River City.”

“You may have nearly defeated me then hero, but you will not be so lucky a second time. Wraith, destroy him!”

The ghostly creature rushed towards Fantasy, who assumed a defensive position. Meanwhile the battle between the two behemoths had taken a turn for the worse. Vampiro landed blow after blow. Inside the command center of the Megamech, sparks poured out of panels and warnings sounded as Sigma Force struggled to maintain control of the giant robot.

“Power levels are down to five percent.” Kristy said, shouting to be heard.

“Billy, David, Zhane, Get your mechs over here!”

Each of the men called their mech, but it was no use. Vampiro blasted the Panther and Dragon Mechs as they approached, hitting them with enough power to render them useless. David prepares to call his mech, but Eric stops him.

“Take my position, I’m going to go help Fantasy and hopefully get some reinforcements.

Eric teleported to the ground and powered down just in time to see the wraith knock Fantasy to ground. As it moved in for the kill, he drew his Lightstar Saber and severed the creature’s hand. As it screamed in pain, Eric helped Fantasy to his feet.

“Thanks, but I had the situation under control.”

“I know, but I figured I would help anyways. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go get some help.”

“What do you mean? I thought all of you were in the Megamech.”

“You’ll see, I hope.”

Eric ran into the warehouse as the wraith charged towards Fantasy again, screaming with rage. Fantasy managed to block its attacks. The monster lunged towards him, but Fantasy dodged it and charged his sword. As the wraith flew past him, Fantasy drove his sword into its back, destroying it.

Master Mage laughed as Fantasy walked towards him. “You may have destroyed my Wraith, but I'll still be victorious! After all, you can’t destroy all of them.” He said, pointing towards the nearby trees. Scorpion had teleported down with several monsters and Claytrons to watch the destruction of Sigma force.

Suddenly the earth shook as Vampiro fired a deadly blast at the Megamech. Sparks flew from its torso as it fell to the ground. Inside the command center, fires burned all around the Sigmas.

“We got to get out of here!” Casey said, shouting over the noise of the in the center. “This thing’s going to blow!”

David struggled to get the Megamech back to its feet. “If the Megamech is doomed, let’s see if we can’t take Vampiro with it."

The Megamech stood as sparks continued to flow from countless tears in its hull. Vampiro laughed as it slowly lurched towards the monster. The Mech jumped towards Vampiro, but he fired again, this time aiming for the head. Seconds before the beam hit, David hit a button, teleporting the Sigmas to safety. They reappeared on the roof of the warehouse in their street cloths, the last of their powers used to get away. They watched, helpless as the Ninja Megamech crashed into a building and exploded.

“So that’s it then.” Lisa said sadly. “Scorpion won.”

“Not yet he hasn’t.” Eric said as he joined his team mated on the roof. Look over there.”

The Sigmas looked where he was pointing and saw several large objects flying towards them. Scorpion looked through a telescope and couldn’t believe his eyes.

“It can’t be! I thought we destroyed them!” he said, looking to Loki for answers.

“Obviously we didn’t master.”

Scorpion hit Loki in the head they disappeared as he complained of having a headache. Up on the roof, the Sigmas watched as the objects drew nearer.

“It's the Storm Mechs!” Andros said excitedly.

Eric smiled. “When you guys used the last of out old powers to teleport to safety, I was able to activate the old mechs. I think it’s time for us to power up and Vampiro down.

“Lets do it!” they shouted in unison.

The Sigmas activated their Energizers, transforming into their old uniforms and teleporting into their the mechs as they combined.

“Storm Megamech Online. All systems online. Power levels are at One hundred percent."

Eric smiled in his helmet. “Power up the Storm Saber.”

Justin pressed a few buttons. “Storm Saber powered up.”

Sarah looked up from her monitor. “Target locked.”


The Megamech raised its sword above it’s head as it crackled with electricity. At the Sigma’s command it swung down, firing a wave of energy at Vampiro. The monster flew though the air and hit the ground, exploding on impact. Inside the command center of the Storm Megamech the Sigmas celebrated.

Below them Fantasy and Master Mage were locked in mortal combat. Fantasy blocked one of the mage’s attacks, but he fired a shot at point blank range, sending Fantasy crashing into a tree. Only his Blast Field saved him from. Master Mage stood over Fantasy and laughed.

“I told you that you were no match for me. Give it up hero. You’ll never defeat me, and soon Nogard will be unleashed upon not only our world, but this one as well!”

“Over my dead body.”

Fantasy activated his Blast Field, knocking Master Mage aside. Both men got to their feet at the same time but Fantasy was faster, landing knocking Master Mage back down with a quick roundhouse kick. He picked up his sword and pointed it at Master Mage’s throat.

“Looks like I came out the winner this time.”

After the battle Sigma Force assessed the situation.

“Sensors showed Scorpion’s ship leaving the moon.” Nautica said. “I think 2we scared him off, but he’ll be back.”

“And we’ll be ready for him.” Eric said confidently. “What about the Mechs?”

Nautica shook her head. “The Ninja Mech were destroyed, and the Panther mech was damaged beyond repair. Fortunately the Dragon Mech is salvageable, but it will be some time before it is back online.”

“Good. We might need it. You never know when the next threat to the planet might appear.”

“At least you’ll have one less threat to worry about.”

The Sigmas turned as Fantasy entered the room. In front of him was Master Mage, his hands in handcuff behind his back. He hesitated, and Fantasy pushed him into the room.

“Are you sure you have to go?” Eric said as he walked towards Fantasy. “We could use someone like you.”

“My world needs me more. There are too many people like Master Mage there, not aren’t nearly enough people to stop them.”

“Good luck then, and may the Fordres protect you.”

The two men shook hands and Fantasy said good-bye to the Sigma’s before using his sword to create a portal back home. As he entered the portal warning sirens sounded in the warehouse.

“Nautica! What’s going on?”

Nautica looked at the computer. “It’s what we feared. A Midiclan ship has just emerged from Hyperspace.”

“It’s happening, just like Master Lucas said it would.”

Lisa walked up to her husband. “What do we do now Eric.”

Eric put a reassuring arm around Lisa. “We do what we do best. Save the Earth.”

Floating through the dimensional gate, Fantasy could see the exit. As they approached the exit, Master Mage managed to break free of the handcuffs and escaped. Fantasy exited the portal, but couldn’t find any trace of the necromancer.

Floating towards the light, the being was surprised to see a flash of red light erupt out of it. As he drew ever closer to the light, he could sense the dark energies. Just as it had countless times before, the light vanished and the being was once again left in darkness. For the first time in what seemed like ages, but could have been just a few seconds he felt anger. What ever the source of dark energy was, the being knew that he must reach his foe before it did, or else he would never have his chance for revenge.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Fantasy #2: Powers Combined Part 1 (of 2)

“Excellent Vampiro! Destroy the city!”

Watching from a near by building, Scorpion laughed with pleasure. Sigma Force had retreated, their mechs had taken heavy damage, and he had a new henchman who had single handedly defeated them. It was a good day to be evil.

As he watched Vampiro destroy yet another building, he heard Claytron talking excitedly. Once again he wished that he could understand what they were talking about. After all, what good were guards if you can't tell what they are saying?

As he watched, Scorpion saw an amazing sight. They were under attack. The Claytrons charged down the stairs, hoping to contain the attacker, but seconds later they flew through the air as the attacker detonated an explosive.

As the attacker climbed the stairs, Scorpion saw a human sized being, dressed in a brown robe. He walked towards Scorpion, stepping over the bodies of defeated Claytrons. He came to a stop in front of the villain’s throne.

“Who are you, or what do you want?”

“I would ask you the same thing. When I came to this world, I didn’t expect to see any half man, half scorpions. I am called Master Mage, and I am here because I have seen your monster that is destroying this city. Only one with the Darkmore Grimoire could have summoned such a powerful creature. Give me the book...or die.”

“I do not have this Grimoire, and even if I did, I would not just give it to you. Besides, I did not summon Vampiro. He came to me and offered his assistance in destroying this city and Sigma Force

“In my time here, I have heard of Sigma Force’s great power. I suggest an alliance then. I will help you destroy Sigma Force, and I get their Power Gems.

“The Power Gems were destroyed long ago by Lord Zeff. I do not know how their current powers were created.”

“Then I will take their current source of power, once we find it, and you will rule this world.”

“Agreed, but first, a test of your power. Loki, I need some monsters.”
A small purple being walked up to Scorpion. “Yes Master. Black Knight, Zombitron, and Icebot. All monsters that have given Sigma trouble in the past.

“Excellent choice Loki. Icebot Attack!”
The robotic monster began his attack, but he didn't get any closer then ten feet from Master Mage before the Necromancer pulled a scepter from beneath his cloak. Pointing it at the monster, he fired a beam that completely destroyed Icebot in seconds.

“Zombitron Attack!”

“Sending a member of the undead to fight me? Not smart.”

As Zombitron approached, Master Mage held out he hand and chanted a spell. Zombitron stopped moving.

“Necromancy is my domain Scorpion. Only the great Darkmore himself could be more powerful then me. Zombitron, destroy Black Knight.”

“Yes master.”

Walking towards the Knight, Zombitron attacked. While Black Knight fought bravely, he was no match for Zombitron, who quickly defeated him before destroying himself at Master Mage's command.

“You have made your point Master Mage. Together we will rule the world!”
With that, the villains laughed and Vampiro destroyed the city.

Two weeks later

Sparks flew as the skeleton warrior hit the Ninja Megamech with yet another powerful blow, adding more scorch marks and gouges to the already battered hull. Inside, the Sigma Force struggled to maintain control of the giant robot as fires burned all around them.

“The Ninja Megamech can't take much more of this!”

“Delta. What is the status of the Panther and Dragon Mechs?

Over the intercom, a robotic voice was heard “Not good! They took massive damage in the last fight. They are in no shape to fight.”

“Power levels down to fifteen percent!”

“Power up the Ninjeti Saber!”

“Saber ready.”


At the their command, The Ninja Megamech raised it's sword above it's head, as the sword began to glow. The skeletal warrior charged forward for another attack, but it didn't get far before the Mech attacked. It fired a beam of energy as it swung its sword down. The skeleton spun around, caught in the beam's energy before falling to the ground as it was destroyed in a fiery explosion.

Inside the Mech, Sigma Force sighed with relief.

Sigma Gold removed his helmet and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Damage report.”

Sigma Pink shook her head. “Believe me. You don't want to know.”

“I was afraid of that. Let's get back to the warehouse and try to have repairs done before Scorpion sends another monster.”

Back at the warehouse, Eric, Sigma Gold, looked over the status reports on the Mechs.

“Dragonmech is at thirty percent, Panthermech is at twenty-five percent, and the Ninja Megamech is at eight percent.” He said with a sigh. “Nautica. How long will it take to complete repairs?”

A tall woman in white robes walked up behind him and looked at the report.
“According to Delta's calculations, two and a half weeks.”

“Damn it. What are the odds that Scorpion will wait till we are done?”

“Not good. He is probably creating a new monster even as we speak.”

“Then we need to get some help. And fast. We won't survive another battle.”

The Pit

Fantasy was bored. So far, he had stopped three bank robberies, two rapes, six arsonists, and one kidnapper. All of this was good, but not enough. He was use to evil mutants, intergalactic threats, or your every day idiot bad guys attacking every couple of days. It got old fast, but at least it was a challenge.

In the months since he came to this world, Fantasy had made some friends, fought some enemies, and had gotten use to being in a whole new world, but he needed a challenge. Since the battle against Master Mage*, his biggest challenge had been an assassination attempt on the mayor, and that was just because there had been about twenty thugs he had to fight before they gave up.

Checking a gauge on his bike's speedometer, Fantasy leaned into a curve and couldn't help but laugh. Mac's newest addition to the bike, the Gyroscopic Stabilizer, worked great. His face was six inches from the ground and he still hadn't dropped the bike. Not wanting to press his luck, he hit a button on the dash and the bike righted itself.

Turning, Fantasy headed towards a seemingly dead end. Seconds before he hit the wall, Fantasy hit another button on the dash, which caused a rock to move, revealing one of the five entrances to The Pit.

Racing through the tunnel, he revved the engine, seeing how much noise he could make. He slid into the main tunnel, making as much noise as he could. Entering the main chamber of The Pit, he slid to a stop. On the platform above him, Fantasy saw Mac jump to his feet and walk towards the edge of the platform angrily.

“What the hell are you doing!!? I told you not to push that thing! I still have a few bugs to work out!”

“Relax Mac. I've been riding since I was nine. I know what I am doing.”

“I don't care. I want you to use one of the other vehicles until I get that thing finished.”

“Yes Sir!” Fantasy said sarcastically as he saluted.

Turning off the bike, fantasy climbed the stairs to the platform and walked towards the computer.

“No activity from Master Mage?”

“Nope. If he is still around, he isn't doing anything.”

“That will make it a bit harder to catch him.” Fantasy said. He looked around the room. “Where's The Traveler?”

“Same place he's been for the last ten days. In the gym trying to open the portal.”
Entering the gym, they see The Traveler sitting on a mat in the corner meditating.

“Any luck?”

“None. I am unable to open the portal to Flashjack's universe. I require a link or an image of the destination to open the portal.”

“Guess we keep waiting.”

“Maybe not. I haven't tried since the fight against Annihilix, but I may be able to get to the Astral Plane. From there I can try to find his Psionic signiture. Then it would be a simple mater of me going to where ever he is in my astral form to get an image of the destination.”

Mac laughed. “Yeah. Real simple”

The Traveler tilted his head to the side a bit. “That could work”

“And it may be our only chance.”

After taking a few deep breaths to help him relax, Fantasy closed his eyes...

When he opened his eyes, Fantasy saw that he was on the Astral Plane. Taking a quick look around, he was relieved to see that there was no damage from Annihilix’s return. Psion had said that the Astral Plane had a way of repairing itself once damaged, and it seemed that she was right

Concentrating, Fantasy saw a light on the horizon. Entering the light, he appeared in a park. There, standing in front of him, was Master Mage. The Necromancer was watching a group of skeletons as they battled a team of warriors in multi colored uniforms.

He had seen all he needed to see. Closing his eyes, he returned to his body.

“Any luck?”

Fantasy nodded. “Found him. Lets go.”

After checking his weapons and summoning his sword, Fantasy and the Traveler faced the wall and concentrated. Once again The Traveler placed his hand on Fantasy’s shoulder and the young hero opened the portal. After taking some Alive, he checked his weapons one last time and entered the portal.

A brilliant blue light broke the darkness that had fallen over the park. Stepping out of the portal, Fantasy waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness and looked around. He didn't have much time for sight seeing though.

Filling the night sky with cries from beyond the grave, a battalion of skeletal warriors quickly surrounded Fantasy. Drawing his sword, the young hero battled the skeletons, striking blow after blow, faster then the human eye could follow.

Just as it seemed he would win, the skeletons received reinforcements in the form of a groups of gray beings. Finishing with the skeletons, Fantasy turned his attention towards the new arrivals.

Fantasy fought hard, but nothing he did seemed to slow them down. Finally, they knocked the hero down and surrounded him. Thinking fast, he began to accelerate the electrons in the ground beneath him, charging it with explosive energy. They may defeat him, but they would have to hit the ground sometime, and if he was going down, he was going to take them with him.

“Hold it right there clay brains.”

Standing ten feet away stood a person in a gold and black uniform. On either side stood 7 others, each with a different colored uniform.

“Anyone know who he is?”

“Nope, but the Claytron are kicking his butt.”

“Lets go Sigma Force!”

Rushing towards the Claytrons, Sigma Force joined the fight. After decelerating the electrons in the ground, Fantasy picked up his sword and stood beside the man in gold.

“Thanks for the help. Who are these guys?”

“Their are called Claytrons. They serve Scorpion.”

“Ok. How do we stop them?”

“Aim for the insignia on their chest.”

Spinning Fantasy punched one in the chest and watched as it shattered. Fantasy smiled as he energized several Shuriken and threw them at the Claytrons

“I like these guys. They blow up good.”

After a brief battle, the Claytrons were defeated and Sigma Force gathered around Fantasy.

“Thanks for the help, but who are you guys?”

“We're Sigma Force. And you are?”

“My name's Fantasy.” Fantasy paused for a moment as he thought. “I'm here looking for a friend of mine. Maybe you've seen him?” Fantasy took a picture of Master Mage out of his pocket. “Those skeletons that the Claytrons helped were his handy work.”

“We haven't seen him, but if he has teamed up with Scorpion, that would explain the new monsters and why they have been so hard to beat.

“We better get back to the warehouse.” Sigma Red said. “Maybe Nautica will know something.”

While the other Sigmas teleported to safety, Sigma Gold sheathed his sword and climbed into his modified Trans Am. Fantasy climbed into the passenger seat and they drove to Sigma Force’s headquarters. If either one of them had bothered to look backwards, they would have noticed that air seemed to shimmer as it followed them.

*--See Fantasy #1 for details

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fantasy #1: Master Of Magic

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

"You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.

“The reason for the attack is unknown. The only thing that is missing is an artifact named the Amulet Of Llew. This is the second Celtic artifact stolen in the last week. The Scepter of Temera was stolen on Monday from the Louvre, which is currently showing various Celtic artifacts.”

Turning off the TV, Rick O'Connell sat and thought, hoping Celtic mythology was the same here as it was in his world.

“Two Celtic artifacts reported stolen in a week. Whoever did it definitely has a lot of guts. Robbing an archeological dig is one thing, but breaking into the Louver is nearly impossible. I can understand if you wanted to steal the Mona Lisa, but the Scepter of Temera is useless. According to the legends it's powers came from a combination of the stone on the top and the runes carved in the staff, but the staff rotted away long ago. Maybe the computer in the Pit will have some more info on the thefts.”

Entering the Pit's command center, Fantasy saw Mac and the Traveler working hard on a new toy.

“When will that thing be done anyways?”

Mac looked up as Rick entered the Pit. “Just about finished. Just have a few bugs to work out.”

“I don't see any bugs.” The Traveler said, confused.

Mac looked at him. “It was a figure of speech.”

“If you need me, I will be checking the computer for some info on some recent thefts.” Rick said, laughing.

“What was stolen? A nuke? Some super weapon?”

“I don't know. Yet.”

Four hours later.

Mac handed Rick a cup of coffee. “Find what you were looking for?”

“Nope. Learned some stuff I didn't know, but nothing that would help me figure out why someone would steal the Amulet of Llew and the Scepter of Temera.”

“Might as well take a break. The Battle Bike is ready. Want to take it for a test drive?”

“Let's see. Spend more time sitting at the computer looking for information, which is something that it can do by it's self, or test an experimental motorcycle. Tough choice.” Rick said, smiling. “Let's Roll!”

“So what do you think Rick?”

“You out did yourself Mac. If I didn’t know you put that extra stuff on here, I wouldn’t be able to tell there was any thing different.”

“Glad you like it. You better head back so I can check to see how it is doing.”

Suddenly shots rang out in the distance.

“You'll have to wait a little longer to do the diagnostics on this thing. I just heard some gunshots.”

“Bank robbery in progress. 1st National Bank. You're the closes unit. Do what you can but don't push the bike too hard.”

“I'll Try.”

“What do you mean you'll try? If they get away the cops can catch them. Don't push that thing too hard.”

Smiling, Fantasy turned off the comm-link and raced towards the scene of the crime. Turning the corner, he saw the four gunmen running out of the bank towards a waiting car. Pressing a button below the speedometer, he activated the twin gattling guns, mounted under the headlight. He fired at the car hitting its tires.

Turning off the gattling guns, Fantasy followed until the car lost control. Getting off the bike, he walked towards the car to arrest the criminals. They had other plans.

Climbing out on the driver's side, two of them started firing at Fantasy. The other two charged him. Taking a stun grenade from his belt, Fantasy threw it over the car, stunning the shooters. The other two were no match for the hero's martial arts skills.

After tying them up, Fantasy went to his bike to contact the police, but he never got that far. Just as he reached the bike, five more cars turned the corner and 20 more thugs jumped out. Extending his staff, Fantasy tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them and they quickly disarmed him and held him against the ground.

“You're the guy who arrested my brother. ” One of them said “Your testimony could put him away for a very long time. If we kill you, he doesn't go to jail and we can get the bounty that the boss put on your head.” He kicked Fantasy in the side and looked at his allies. “Smile boys. We're about to be come rich men.”

Pulling a knife, the thug was about to kill Fantasy when he was hit from behind by an energy blast. Looking up, the others soon followed their leader. Getting to his feet, Fantasy walked towards his attackers and checked their pulses.

“I appreciate the help, but you didn't have to kill them.”

Fantasy turned to his rescuer and saw a man wearing a brown cloak. All that could be scene of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

“What happens to them is not my concern. I am here for one thing.” He said as he pointed a scepter at Fantasy. “Give me the Sword Of Kells.”

“That's the Scepter of Temera. You're also the one who stole the Amulet Of Llew, aren't you.”

“Their previous owners did not know the power that they contained.”

"Why steal them though. The scepter is useless without the handle and according to the legends the Amulet never had any magical powers.”

“How little you know.”

Reaching into his cloak, he took out the Amulet. Pointing both the Amulet and the Scepter at Fantasy, the mage fired a beam of magical energy at Fantasy, who barely had time to activate his blast field. Master Mage continued firing, pushing Fantasy back towards the edge of a cliff.

“Give me the sword!”

“The Sword Of Kells doesn’t exist.”

“The same was said about the Amulet and the Scepter. Give me the sword so that I may
full fill my destiny.”

“And that would be?”

“To bring my master Nogard back to this realm.”

“The Demon King? You can't be serious. I’ll admit I was wrong about the Scepter and the Amulet, but the Demon King isn’t real! And even if he were real, why would I allow you to release him. The legends say that he almost destroyed all reality.”

“He is real and once he is free he will bring with him the Age Of Chaos and I, Master Mage, will join him as his loyal lieutenant. No one will be able to stop us.”

“If your right, and he is real, then he was stopped once, he can be stopped again.”

“It took the strength of everyone in Asgard to stop him, and they were barely able to do it. With our combined might, we will be unstoppable.”

“Over my dead body!”

Straining against Master Mage’s blast, Fantasy energized three shuriken and threw them, hitting the mage in the chest. The resulting explosion sent Master Mage crashing into one of the nearby cars.

“You want a sword, you got it.”

Summoning the Fantasy Star, he charged at his foe, who blocked it with the scepter.
Their battle continued, with neither combatant gaining the upper hand till Master Mage deflected one of Fantasy’s blows.

“Skeletons Arise!”

Breaking out of the ground, four skeletons rose to stand between their master and Fantasy. Rushing towards the undead warriors, the hero cut through the skeletons, cutting through their spines and severing their heads. The fight was over and it was just Fantasy and Master Mage.

Charging his sword, Fantasy fired at Master Mage. Thinking fast, the villain used the handle of the scepter to block the shot, hoping that the magic glyphs carved into it would protect him. The beam hit the handle, destroying it and knocking Master Mage closer to the cliff.



Charging his sword, Fantasy prepared to fire. Seeing no other way out, Master Mage used the Amulet to open a portal.

“This isn’t over hero!”

Realizing what was happening, Fantasy quickly fired, but it was too late. Master Mage stepped into the portal and it closed behind him.

“Are you sure he's gone?”

Rick nodded his head as he watched Mac work on the bike. “Yep. He walked into a portal just like the one we used to send Flashjack home. I hope he can handle this guy.”

“Master Mage is not Flashjack's concern.” The Traveler said as he entered the room.

“He is in a new world. It will be up to 8 heroes to fight him and his new ally. You will join them in the future and bring Master Mage to justice."

Rick looked up at him, confused. “How do you know all that? Are you clairvoyant or something?”

“...I don't know.”

The Hunted Chapter 14

Flashjack blinked as he re-appeared in the same room he was in before stepping through the portal while chasing the Armored Slayer. Noticing a computer screen on the other side of the room, he checked and smiled. Not only had they sent him back, but it was only a few minutes after he left. Flashjack walked out of the room, firing several arrows as he left. With the room destroyed, he returned to the surface, hopeful that he could salvage his date.

The being stopped as the blue-white light once again disappeared. Since he first saw it some time ago, he had begun making plans. Plans of how he would exact his revenge against the one who had left him in this exile. How long it would be before the light returned or how long it would take for him to enter it, the being cared not. His time would come, and he would take his time delivering his vengeance. The one who left him here would die slowly, and the being would savor every agonizing second.

The Hunted Chapter 13

“How the hell did you survive! I know how Superman survived his battle against Doomsday. I know how Jean Gray has survived being killed countless times. But this is real life, not something from the House Of Ideas.”

Mac looked up as the two men entered the Pit. “That’s a good question. How did you survive? I know I didn’t put anything in those arms that would protect you from molten lava.

“Let’s just say that Ninja Force has been in some very interesting places in the last two months.” Duke said, smiling. “Cheyenne Mountain, The Pentagon, and a little patch of land in the Nevada desert.”

Both men looked at him in surprise. “You’ve been to Area 51!?”

Duke laughed. “I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a facility known as Area 51, but I did find this cool personal force field while I was there.”

“Too bad you didn’t find something we could use to track The Hunter. The tracer that Rick planted on him only works on short range and will run out of energy soon.”
“We'll find him. How is our guest doing?”

“Great.” Mac said, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “His name is Flashjack, and he has quite a tale to tell.”

Over the next hour, Flashjack told the heroes everything; how he got his Amulet, found the Armored Slayer, and ended up in this dimension.

“That's about it. Now I'm stranded here forever.”

“You'll get use to it.” Fantasy said. “It just takes time.”

“There may be a way to return you to your home world.”

Everyone looked as The Traveler entered the room. “How?”

“The same way Fantasy was able to travel to the Netherscape.”

“Are you strong enough to do that again?”

“I believe so, however I will need Fantasy’s assistance. In order to open the portal to Flashjack’s universe, I will need to see it. Fantasy, you will have to search Flashjack’s mind and reveal to me his universe of origin.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rick said as he grabbed a chair and sat down. Lets do this.”

Very well. Flashjack, place your hand on Fantasy’s shoulder. He will be the link between us. Fantasy, I will once again require your body to channel the temporal energies of the portal. Is that alright?”

Fantasy smiled, glad that the Traveler remembered to ask this time. “Go ahead”

Flashjack placed his hand on Fantasy’s shoulder, as did the Traveler. After several minutes, Fantasy raised his hands and a beam of blue light fired from them, creating a portal. Fantasy opened hi eyes and shook his head.

“I forgot about the headache that gave me last time.”

Flashjack gathered his stuff and stepped towards the swirling blue vortex before turning.

“Thank you for your help, but before I leave, I have a request. Finish what I started. Stop the Slayer before he kills again.

“We’ll do what we can. Good luck.”

Nodding his head, Flashjack stepped through the portal and disappeared with a flash of light as the portal closed behind him.

The Hunted Chapter 12

“Time to die hero.”

Brining the sword down, the Hunter was stopped inches from

Fantasy's neck as an incendiary rocket hit him in the back. Looking up, the two combatants saw the Black Ninja standing on top of a nearby building, rocket launcher in hand.

“You really need to stop saying that. Every time we do, we stop you.”

Screaming in anger, the Hunter fired an energy blast at the Ninja, who jumped out of the way, fired his grappling hook, and swung to the ground beside Fantasy.

“I thought you were dead!”

“I thought you were a comic book fan.” Ninja said, smiling. “You should know that the good guys never stay dead.”

The Hunter got to his feet. “Isn't this touching. Two heroes, reunited after one of them "died." Now you get to die together!”

Charging towards the heroes, the Hunter was stopped in his tracks as they fired in unison, two rockets hitting him in the chest. Stumbling backwards, the Hunter hit a button on his wrist and disappeared, escaping

The Hunted Chapter 11

Kennedy Memorial Hospital

Washington D.C.

For the past six months, the pilot of the helicopter that Super Shift was in had been in this hospital under maximum security. After months of in activity, something happened as one of his guards ran to the room door.

“Joe! Get in here. I need your help!”

Joe ran into the room to help his friend, only to be hit on the back of the head. As he lost consensus, he saw Bob, the other guard laying near by, a hypodermic needle in his Jugular.

“Leaving early Bob?”

He smiled at the receptionist. “Yeah. I'm not feeling well. Joe said that he'd keep an eye of the vegetable.”

“Ok. Hope your feeling better in the morning.”

As Bob walked out the door, no one saw his face, which seemed to change.

The Hunted Chapter 10

The volcano

Without the Hunter's energy to keep it melted, the lava started to dry, forming a hard crust. Suddenly, the crust was broken by a metallic hand, which fired a grappling hook towards the rim of the volcano.

The Hunted Chapter 9

A swamp in Yugostan

Six months ago, the crime lord known as Super Shift was in a helicopter with his second in command Crusher, when Fantasy and his allies shot it down over this swamp. The only survivor was the pilot, who had parachuted to safety, and was currently in a coma in the U.S. The bodies of the other five men in the helicopter were never recovered and are believed to be lost forever in the swamp, but things are not always as they seem.

Deep in the swamp, ancient energies converge on an object floating on the surface of the water. Off to the side, two energy beings took on humanoid form and were watching their allies work.

“You chose well brother. This one is strong.”

“Look. Even after death, he struggles against us.”

“He can struggle all he wants. In the end, we will win.”

The Hunted Chapter 8

Century Square. A constant calm in the seemingly ongoing struggle for peace in this country. In it's short history, there have already been 2 civil wars between humans and mutants. Add in several skirmishes and numerous political struggles, and you have enough conflict for 5 countries that are twice as old as Gennora. Yet during all of the battles, Century Square has been untouched by the effects of war, until now.

Appearing in the square, the Hunter looked around, trying to find a way out. Running through the park, he was stopped by a rocket in the back.

“Where do you think your going?” Fantasy said in a menacing voice. “I was just starting to have fun.”

Firing an energy blast, the Hunter knocked Fantasy back twenty feet. Doing a handspring to get back on his feet, Fantasy walk towards his foe.

“Didn't you learn anything in River City? It’s going to take more then that to keep me down.”

Fantasy charged several shuriken and threw them, but the Hunter managed to avoid most of them, getting hit in the shoulder instead of the chest. Getting to his feet, he pulled a grenade from his belt.

“Oh I learned something. I just needed to check a theory. I learned that my weapons could knock out your fancy shield thing. I also learned that I can see how powerful it is. Your shield is failing, and I have plenty of fire power left.”

The Hunter threw the grenade and it landed on front of Fantasy, knocking him off his feet.

“He's right.” Fantasy thought to himself. “ I can feel my blast shield failing. It barely deflected the shrapnel from that grenade. I might have to do this the old fashioned way.”

Getting to his feet, Fantasy extended blades on the back of his gauntlets and leapt through the air towards the Hunter, landing several blows. Landing, he launched a series of kicks and punches, moving so fast that his hands and feet were a blur. As hard and as fast ahs he was hitting him, Fantasy's attack didn't seem to have much effect on the Hunter, who was being pushed back, but would not fall.

Blocking one of Fantasy's punches, the Hunter began his attack, striking with such ferocity wild animals protecting their young looked tame by comparison. Knocking Fantasy off his feet with a punch that would have leveled a small house, the Hunter drew his sword and moved in for the kill.

The Hunted Chapter 7

Landing in Gennora, Fantasy and the Black Ninja stepped off of the plane.

“Nice place.” Duke said, looking around. “I'm going to have to visit next vacation.”

“If we can't find the Hunter, there might not be an island left to visit.” Fantasy said as he adjusted some dials on a device he held in his hand. “There's some interference. I can't get a lock.”

Fantasy hit the side of the device. “That's better. He's about 6 miles from here. Near the volcano.”

Both returned to the plane, which took off. As they approached the target, they jumped out, with Fantasy catching Black Ninja and both men landing near the top of the volcano. Loading his rocket launcher, Fantasy fired at the Hunter. The Hunter dove out of the way, the rocket missing him by an inch. Taking advantage of their foe's disorientation Fantasy and the Black Ninja ran the rest of the way up the volcano, surrounding him.

“Your armor protected you last time, but I doubt it will do much at this range.” Fantasy said as he pointed the rocket launcher at the hunter.

“Might as well surrender now.”

Responding to the hero's demand, the Hunter fired a beam of energy into the formerly inactive volcano, heating the lava and bringing the volcano back to life.
As the volcano began to shake, nearing eruption, the Black Ninja fell backwards, into the lava. Grabbing the edge, he held on, thankful that his Cybernetic arms were stronger then his original arms.

Leaping over his foe, Fantasy went to help his friend. Taking advantage of the distraction, the Hunter stopped firing into the volcano and blasted Fantasy in the back.

“Hurts don’t it. Don't worry about your friend. He'll be safe. When the lava cools, nothing will happen to him till they find him in about 1000 years.

Turning, he blasted the Black Ninja, making him lose his grip and fall into the lava. Seeing his friend fall, Fantasy activated his Blast Field and dove after him, trying to catch him, but arriving too late. Thinking fast, the Ninja hit a button on his belt before sinking beneath the lava.

Flying out of the volcano, Fantasy saw the Hunter escaping

“Time to die Hunter!!”

Taking several Shuriken from his belt, fantasy charged them and threw them at the Hunter. Hunter managed to avoid all of them and returned fire, directing an energy blast at the hero, knocking him out of the sky.

Fantasy quickly reactivated his Blast field and flew back to the rim of the volcano just in time to see the Hunter disappear. Grabbing the scanner, Fantasy tracked his foe to the center of the country's capital, Harmony Bay.

Fantasy turned towards the lava inside the volcano’s crater. “I will avenge your death my friend.”

Grabbing his rocket launcher, he loaded it, and flew towards the city.

The Hunted Chapter 6

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.

The Hunted Chapter 5

After the Hunter disappeared, Fantasy and the Black Ninja spent the next several hours looking for him. Not finding a thing, the returned to the Pit, where they found Mac and the Traveler busy treating the stranger’s wounds.

“He took quite a beating, but he'll survive.” Mac said, taking a break to see how the search went. He turned to Fantasy. “You could help by doing that healing thing lick you did with Duke.”

“I’ll try. Any idea who he is?”

“Nope. Only thing he had with him was an amulet and this bow.”

“That doesn't help much.”

“Rick! You better see this!”

Both men walked over to where Duke was standing, watching a news report.

“Sad news to day in the island nation of Gennora. Samuel Crusher, the president of Gennora, has died of natural causes. Officials say that he died of a heart attack at approximately 9:15 last night. The funeral will be on Friday.” Dan Jennings paused as he was handed a piece of paper. “We have just received word that there is more tragic news from Gennora. We go now to the network affiliate in Gennora, Zelda Quinn.”

The camera switched to a scene of panic. Zelda Quinn stood in front of the chaos, a professional calm keeping her from joining the crowd.

“I am standing at the steps leading to the capital of the country of Gennora where, just moments ago, tragedy struck. The vice president, Jeffery Black was assassinated during his televised inauguration. The assassin is described as a person dressed in black armor, about 7 feet tall. He is armored and extremely dangerous.”

Duke looked up at the others. “Sound like anyone we know?”

“The Hunter.”

He nodded his head. “I have a plane on stand by at the airport. Let’s go.”