Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fantasy #1: Master Of Magic

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

"You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.

“The reason for the attack is unknown. The only thing that is missing is an artifact named the Amulet Of Llew. This is the second Celtic artifact stolen in the last week. The Scepter of Temera was stolen on Monday from the Louvre, which is currently showing various Celtic artifacts.”

Turning off the TV, Rick O'Connell sat and thought, hoping Celtic mythology was the same here as it was in his world.

“Two Celtic artifacts reported stolen in a week. Whoever did it definitely has a lot of guts. Robbing an archeological dig is one thing, but breaking into the Louver is nearly impossible. I can understand if you wanted to steal the Mona Lisa, but the Scepter of Temera is useless. According to the legends it's powers came from a combination of the stone on the top and the runes carved in the staff, but the staff rotted away long ago. Maybe the computer in the Pit will have some more info on the thefts.”

Entering the Pit's command center, Fantasy saw Mac and the Traveler working hard on a new toy.

“When will that thing be done anyways?”

Mac looked up as Rick entered the Pit. “Just about finished. Just have a few bugs to work out.”

“I don't see any bugs.” The Traveler said, confused.

Mac looked at him. “It was a figure of speech.”

“If you need me, I will be checking the computer for some info on some recent thefts.” Rick said, laughing.

“What was stolen? A nuke? Some super weapon?”

“I don't know. Yet.”

Four hours later.

Mac handed Rick a cup of coffee. “Find what you were looking for?”

“Nope. Learned some stuff I didn't know, but nothing that would help me figure out why someone would steal the Amulet of Llew and the Scepter of Temera.”

“Might as well take a break. The Battle Bike is ready. Want to take it for a test drive?”

“Let's see. Spend more time sitting at the computer looking for information, which is something that it can do by it's self, or test an experimental motorcycle. Tough choice.” Rick said, smiling. “Let's Roll!”

“So what do you think Rick?”

“You out did yourself Mac. If I didn’t know you put that extra stuff on here, I wouldn’t be able to tell there was any thing different.”

“Glad you like it. You better head back so I can check to see how it is doing.”

Suddenly shots rang out in the distance.

“You'll have to wait a little longer to do the diagnostics on this thing. I just heard some gunshots.”

“Bank robbery in progress. 1st National Bank. You're the closes unit. Do what you can but don't push the bike too hard.”

“I'll Try.”

“What do you mean you'll try? If they get away the cops can catch them. Don't push that thing too hard.”

Smiling, Fantasy turned off the comm-link and raced towards the scene of the crime. Turning the corner, he saw the four gunmen running out of the bank towards a waiting car. Pressing a button below the speedometer, he activated the twin gattling guns, mounted under the headlight. He fired at the car hitting its tires.

Turning off the gattling guns, Fantasy followed until the car lost control. Getting off the bike, he walked towards the car to arrest the criminals. They had other plans.

Climbing out on the driver's side, two of them started firing at Fantasy. The other two charged him. Taking a stun grenade from his belt, Fantasy threw it over the car, stunning the shooters. The other two were no match for the hero's martial arts skills.

After tying them up, Fantasy went to his bike to contact the police, but he never got that far. Just as he reached the bike, five more cars turned the corner and 20 more thugs jumped out. Extending his staff, Fantasy tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them and they quickly disarmed him and held him against the ground.

“You're the guy who arrested my brother. ” One of them said “Your testimony could put him away for a very long time. If we kill you, he doesn't go to jail and we can get the bounty that the boss put on your head.” He kicked Fantasy in the side and looked at his allies. “Smile boys. We're about to be come rich men.”

Pulling a knife, the thug was about to kill Fantasy when he was hit from behind by an energy blast. Looking up, the others soon followed their leader. Getting to his feet, Fantasy walked towards his attackers and checked their pulses.

“I appreciate the help, but you didn't have to kill them.”

Fantasy turned to his rescuer and saw a man wearing a brown cloak. All that could be scene of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

“What happens to them is not my concern. I am here for one thing.” He said as he pointed a scepter at Fantasy. “Give me the Sword Of Kells.”

“That's the Scepter of Temera. You're also the one who stole the Amulet Of Llew, aren't you.”

“Their previous owners did not know the power that they contained.”

"Why steal them though. The scepter is useless without the handle and according to the legends the Amulet never had any magical powers.”

“How little you know.”

Reaching into his cloak, he took out the Amulet. Pointing both the Amulet and the Scepter at Fantasy, the mage fired a beam of magical energy at Fantasy, who barely had time to activate his blast field. Master Mage continued firing, pushing Fantasy back towards the edge of a cliff.

“Give me the sword!”

“The Sword Of Kells doesn’t exist.”

“The same was said about the Amulet and the Scepter. Give me the sword so that I may
full fill my destiny.”

“And that would be?”

“To bring my master Nogard back to this realm.”

“The Demon King? You can't be serious. I’ll admit I was wrong about the Scepter and the Amulet, but the Demon King isn’t real! And even if he were real, why would I allow you to release him. The legends say that he almost destroyed all reality.”

“He is real and once he is free he will bring with him the Age Of Chaos and I, Master Mage, will join him as his loyal lieutenant. No one will be able to stop us.”

“If your right, and he is real, then he was stopped once, he can be stopped again.”

“It took the strength of everyone in Asgard to stop him, and they were barely able to do it. With our combined might, we will be unstoppable.”

“Over my dead body!”

Straining against Master Mage’s blast, Fantasy energized three shuriken and threw them, hitting the mage in the chest. The resulting explosion sent Master Mage crashing into one of the nearby cars.

“You want a sword, you got it.”

Summoning the Fantasy Star, he charged at his foe, who blocked it with the scepter.
Their battle continued, with neither combatant gaining the upper hand till Master Mage deflected one of Fantasy’s blows.

“Skeletons Arise!”

Breaking out of the ground, four skeletons rose to stand between their master and Fantasy. Rushing towards the undead warriors, the hero cut through the skeletons, cutting through their spines and severing their heads. The fight was over and it was just Fantasy and Master Mage.

Charging his sword, Fantasy fired at Master Mage. Thinking fast, the villain used the handle of the scepter to block the shot, hoping that the magic glyphs carved into it would protect him. The beam hit the handle, destroying it and knocking Master Mage closer to the cliff.



Charging his sword, Fantasy prepared to fire. Seeing no other way out, Master Mage used the Amulet to open a portal.

“This isn’t over hero!”

Realizing what was happening, Fantasy quickly fired, but it was too late. Master Mage stepped into the portal and it closed behind him.

“Are you sure he's gone?”

Rick nodded his head as he watched Mac work on the bike. “Yep. He walked into a portal just like the one we used to send Flashjack home. I hope he can handle this guy.”

“Master Mage is not Flashjack's concern.” The Traveler said as he entered the room.

“He is in a new world. It will be up to 8 heroes to fight him and his new ally. You will join them in the future and bring Master Mage to justice."

Rick looked up at him, confused. “How do you know all that? Are you clairvoyant or something?”

“...I don't know.”

The Hunted Chapter 14

Flashjack blinked as he re-appeared in the same room he was in before stepping through the portal while chasing the Armored Slayer. Noticing a computer screen on the other side of the room, he checked and smiled. Not only had they sent him back, but it was only a few minutes after he left. Flashjack walked out of the room, firing several arrows as he left. With the room destroyed, he returned to the surface, hopeful that he could salvage his date.

The being stopped as the blue-white light once again disappeared. Since he first saw it some time ago, he had begun making plans. Plans of how he would exact his revenge against the one who had left him in this exile. How long it would be before the light returned or how long it would take for him to enter it, the being cared not. His time would come, and he would take his time delivering his vengeance. The one who left him here would die slowly, and the being would savor every agonizing second.

The Hunted Chapter 13

“How the hell did you survive! I know how Superman survived his battle against Doomsday. I know how Jean Gray has survived being killed countless times. But this is real life, not something from the House Of Ideas.”

Mac looked up as the two men entered the Pit. “That’s a good question. How did you survive? I know I didn’t put anything in those arms that would protect you from molten lava.

“Let’s just say that Ninja Force has been in some very interesting places in the last two months.” Duke said, smiling. “Cheyenne Mountain, The Pentagon, and a little patch of land in the Nevada desert.”

Both men looked at him in surprise. “You’ve been to Area 51!?”

Duke laughed. “I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a facility known as Area 51, but I did find this cool personal force field while I was there.”

“Too bad you didn’t find something we could use to track The Hunter. The tracer that Rick planted on him only works on short range and will run out of energy soon.”
“We'll find him. How is our guest doing?”

“Great.” Mac said, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “His name is Flashjack, and he has quite a tale to tell.”

Over the next hour, Flashjack told the heroes everything; how he got his Amulet, found the Armored Slayer, and ended up in this dimension.

“That's about it. Now I'm stranded here forever.”

“You'll get use to it.” Fantasy said. “It just takes time.”

“There may be a way to return you to your home world.”

Everyone looked as The Traveler entered the room. “How?”

“The same way Fantasy was able to travel to the Netherscape.”

“Are you strong enough to do that again?”

“I believe so, however I will need Fantasy’s assistance. In order to open the portal to Flashjack’s universe, I will need to see it. Fantasy, you will have to search Flashjack’s mind and reveal to me his universe of origin.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rick said as he grabbed a chair and sat down. Lets do this.”

Very well. Flashjack, place your hand on Fantasy’s shoulder. He will be the link between us. Fantasy, I will once again require your body to channel the temporal energies of the portal. Is that alright?”

Fantasy smiled, glad that the Traveler remembered to ask this time. “Go ahead”

Flashjack placed his hand on Fantasy’s shoulder, as did the Traveler. After several minutes, Fantasy raised his hands and a beam of blue light fired from them, creating a portal. Fantasy opened hi eyes and shook his head.

“I forgot about the headache that gave me last time.”

Flashjack gathered his stuff and stepped towards the swirling blue vortex before turning.

“Thank you for your help, but before I leave, I have a request. Finish what I started. Stop the Slayer before he kills again.

“We’ll do what we can. Good luck.”

Nodding his head, Flashjack stepped through the portal and disappeared with a flash of light as the portal closed behind him.

The Hunted Chapter 12

“Time to die hero.”

Brining the sword down, the Hunter was stopped inches from

Fantasy's neck as an incendiary rocket hit him in the back. Looking up, the two combatants saw the Black Ninja standing on top of a nearby building, rocket launcher in hand.

“You really need to stop saying that. Every time we do, we stop you.”

Screaming in anger, the Hunter fired an energy blast at the Ninja, who jumped out of the way, fired his grappling hook, and swung to the ground beside Fantasy.

“I thought you were dead!”

“I thought you were a comic book fan.” Ninja said, smiling. “You should know that the good guys never stay dead.”

The Hunter got to his feet. “Isn't this touching. Two heroes, reunited after one of them "died." Now you get to die together!”

Charging towards the heroes, the Hunter was stopped in his tracks as they fired in unison, two rockets hitting him in the chest. Stumbling backwards, the Hunter hit a button on his wrist and disappeared, escaping

The Hunted Chapter 11

Kennedy Memorial Hospital

Washington D.C.

For the past six months, the pilot of the helicopter that Super Shift was in had been in this hospital under maximum security. After months of in activity, something happened as one of his guards ran to the room door.

“Joe! Get in here. I need your help!”

Joe ran into the room to help his friend, only to be hit on the back of the head. As he lost consensus, he saw Bob, the other guard laying near by, a hypodermic needle in his Jugular.

“Leaving early Bob?”

He smiled at the receptionist. “Yeah. I'm not feeling well. Joe said that he'd keep an eye of the vegetable.”

“Ok. Hope your feeling better in the morning.”

As Bob walked out the door, no one saw his face, which seemed to change.

The Hunted Chapter 10

The volcano

Without the Hunter's energy to keep it melted, the lava started to dry, forming a hard crust. Suddenly, the crust was broken by a metallic hand, which fired a grappling hook towards the rim of the volcano.

The Hunted Chapter 9

A swamp in Yugostan

Six months ago, the crime lord known as Super Shift was in a helicopter with his second in command Crusher, when Fantasy and his allies shot it down over this swamp. The only survivor was the pilot, who had parachuted to safety, and was currently in a coma in the U.S. The bodies of the other five men in the helicopter were never recovered and are believed to be lost forever in the swamp, but things are not always as they seem.

Deep in the swamp, ancient energies converge on an object floating on the surface of the water. Off to the side, two energy beings took on humanoid form and were watching their allies work.

“You chose well brother. This one is strong.”

“Look. Even after death, he struggles against us.”

“He can struggle all he wants. In the end, we will win.”

The Hunted Chapter 8

Century Square. A constant calm in the seemingly ongoing struggle for peace in this country. In it's short history, there have already been 2 civil wars between humans and mutants. Add in several skirmishes and numerous political struggles, and you have enough conflict for 5 countries that are twice as old as Gennora. Yet during all of the battles, Century Square has been untouched by the effects of war, until now.

Appearing in the square, the Hunter looked around, trying to find a way out. Running through the park, he was stopped by a rocket in the back.

“Where do you think your going?” Fantasy said in a menacing voice. “I was just starting to have fun.”

Firing an energy blast, the Hunter knocked Fantasy back twenty feet. Doing a handspring to get back on his feet, Fantasy walk towards his foe.

“Didn't you learn anything in River City? It’s going to take more then that to keep me down.”

Fantasy charged several shuriken and threw them, but the Hunter managed to avoid most of them, getting hit in the shoulder instead of the chest. Getting to his feet, he pulled a grenade from his belt.

“Oh I learned something. I just needed to check a theory. I learned that my weapons could knock out your fancy shield thing. I also learned that I can see how powerful it is. Your shield is failing, and I have plenty of fire power left.”

The Hunter threw the grenade and it landed on front of Fantasy, knocking him off his feet.

“He's right.” Fantasy thought to himself. “ I can feel my blast shield failing. It barely deflected the shrapnel from that grenade. I might have to do this the old fashioned way.”

Getting to his feet, Fantasy extended blades on the back of his gauntlets and leapt through the air towards the Hunter, landing several blows. Landing, he launched a series of kicks and punches, moving so fast that his hands and feet were a blur. As hard and as fast ahs he was hitting him, Fantasy's attack didn't seem to have much effect on the Hunter, who was being pushed back, but would not fall.

Blocking one of Fantasy's punches, the Hunter began his attack, striking with such ferocity wild animals protecting their young looked tame by comparison. Knocking Fantasy off his feet with a punch that would have leveled a small house, the Hunter drew his sword and moved in for the kill.

The Hunted Chapter 7

Landing in Gennora, Fantasy and the Black Ninja stepped off of the plane.

“Nice place.” Duke said, looking around. “I'm going to have to visit next vacation.”

“If we can't find the Hunter, there might not be an island left to visit.” Fantasy said as he adjusted some dials on a device he held in his hand. “There's some interference. I can't get a lock.”

Fantasy hit the side of the device. “That's better. He's about 6 miles from here. Near the volcano.”

Both returned to the plane, which took off. As they approached the target, they jumped out, with Fantasy catching Black Ninja and both men landing near the top of the volcano. Loading his rocket launcher, Fantasy fired at the Hunter. The Hunter dove out of the way, the rocket missing him by an inch. Taking advantage of their foe's disorientation Fantasy and the Black Ninja ran the rest of the way up the volcano, surrounding him.

“Your armor protected you last time, but I doubt it will do much at this range.” Fantasy said as he pointed the rocket launcher at the hunter.

“Might as well surrender now.”

Responding to the hero's demand, the Hunter fired a beam of energy into the formerly inactive volcano, heating the lava and bringing the volcano back to life.
As the volcano began to shake, nearing eruption, the Black Ninja fell backwards, into the lava. Grabbing the edge, he held on, thankful that his Cybernetic arms were stronger then his original arms.

Leaping over his foe, Fantasy went to help his friend. Taking advantage of the distraction, the Hunter stopped firing into the volcano and blasted Fantasy in the back.

“Hurts don’t it. Don't worry about your friend. He'll be safe. When the lava cools, nothing will happen to him till they find him in about 1000 years.

Turning, he blasted the Black Ninja, making him lose his grip and fall into the lava. Seeing his friend fall, Fantasy activated his Blast Field and dove after him, trying to catch him, but arriving too late. Thinking fast, the Ninja hit a button on his belt before sinking beneath the lava.

Flying out of the volcano, Fantasy saw the Hunter escaping

“Time to die Hunter!!”

Taking several Shuriken from his belt, fantasy charged them and threw them at the Hunter. Hunter managed to avoid all of them and returned fire, directing an energy blast at the hero, knocking him out of the sky.

Fantasy quickly reactivated his Blast field and flew back to the rim of the volcano just in time to see the Hunter disappear. Grabbing the scanner, Fantasy tracked his foe to the center of the country's capital, Harmony Bay.

Fantasy turned towards the lava inside the volcano’s crater. “I will avenge your death my friend.”

Grabbing his rocket launcher, he loaded it, and flew towards the city.

The Hunted Chapter 6

An archeological dig 50 miles from Airdrie, Scotland

Inside of the tent that serves as the headquarters for the dig, two scientists are examining an amulet found a few days earlier.

“It's more beautiful then I ever imagined. It's hard to believe that this may have been worn by the Aird Righ of Albion.”

“Its almost too good to be true. We'll be famous when we get this back to the U.S.”

Suddenly a shadow fell over them. They looked up to see a man wearing a brown robe. All they could see of his face was a pair of glowing red eyes.

You’re at least partially right. That amulet will make someone famous. Give it to me or die.”

“Here. Take it. Just don't hurt us.”

“Thank you.”

As he took the amulet, the man raised his staff and fired a beam of energy at the archeologist. “Oops. Forgot about not hurting you. Oh well. Might as well finish what I started. Skeletons Arise!”

Climbing out of the ground, a small army of skeletons surrounded the mysterious villain, awaiting their orders.

“Kill them all and destroy every thing.”

Turning towards the forest surrounding the site, the villain laughed to himself as the skeletons destroyed the camp, the scientist filling the night air with screams of terror.

The Hunted Chapter 5

After the Hunter disappeared, Fantasy and the Black Ninja spent the next several hours looking for him. Not finding a thing, the returned to the Pit, where they found Mac and the Traveler busy treating the stranger’s wounds.

“He took quite a beating, but he'll survive.” Mac said, taking a break to see how the search went. He turned to Fantasy. “You could help by doing that healing thing lick you did with Duke.”

“I’ll try. Any idea who he is?”

“Nope. Only thing he had with him was an amulet and this bow.”

“That doesn't help much.”

“Rick! You better see this!”

Both men walked over to where Duke was standing, watching a news report.

“Sad news to day in the island nation of Gennora. Samuel Crusher, the president of Gennora, has died of natural causes. Officials say that he died of a heart attack at approximately 9:15 last night. The funeral will be on Friday.” Dan Jennings paused as he was handed a piece of paper. “We have just received word that there is more tragic news from Gennora. We go now to the network affiliate in Gennora, Zelda Quinn.”

The camera switched to a scene of panic. Zelda Quinn stood in front of the chaos, a professional calm keeping her from joining the crowd.

“I am standing at the steps leading to the capital of the country of Gennora where, just moments ago, tragedy struck. The vice president, Jeffery Black was assassinated during his televised inauguration. The assassin is described as a person dressed in black armor, about 7 feet tall. He is armored and extremely dangerous.”

Duke looked up at the others. “Sound like anyone we know?”

“The Hunter.”

He nodded his head. “I have a plane on stand by at the airport. Let’s go.”

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Hunted Chapter 4

Driving the spear towards Flashjack’s chest, he chose to impale his shoulder at the last second, pinning him to the ground. Pulling another spear from his seemingly endless supply, he proceeded to pin the hero's arms and legs to the ground.

Unsheathing his sword, the Hunter moved in for the kill. Raising his sword to decapitate Flashjack, he was suddenly hit from behind by a blast that knocked him off his feet, his back on fire.

Struggling to his feet, the Hunter saw Fantasy holding a wrist mounted rocket launcher, still smoking. Behind him stood the Black Ninja, Mac, and the Traveler.

“Go ahead. Try and kill him.” Fantasy said as he loaded another rocket. “I got a few more incendiary rockets for this thing and you got a big bulls-eye on your chest.”

Dropping his sword, he raised his hands and fired a burst of energy at Fantasy, knocking the hero back and destroying the rocket launcher. Leaping to his feet, Fantasy grabbed the last rocket and charged it with even more explosive energy. He threw it at The Hunter’s feet and charged at the murderer. While Fantasy kept him busy, the others freed Flashjack and got him to safety. While Mac and the Traveler took him back to the Pit, Black Ninja stayed behind to help fight the Hunter.

Diving under another blast, Fantasy isn't quick enough to avoid two more, which hit him in the chest, knocking him down. Throwing a net at the hero, the Hunter turned, looking for more enemies. Jumping out of a tree, the Black Ninja landed a kick that would have stunned a normal foe, but the Hunter did not move. Picking up the ninja, he proceeded to use the young hero's body to destroy the majority of the nearby trees, knocking him unconscious,

Turning to finish what he started, the Hunter saw Fantasy had almost finished cutting himself loose. Firing his energy blast once more, the killer knocked Fantasy back and drew his sword, ready for the kill. Thinking fast, Fantasy activated his Blast Field, blocking the sword. Fantasy punched the Hunter, and the explosive energy of his blast field sent Hunter flying.

The Hunter landed 30 feet away, severely injured. Standing, he saw Fantasy charging him. Before Fantasy could strike, the Hunter disappeared. Moving faster then lighting, Fantasy threw a tracking device on the Hunter before he vanished.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Hunted Chapter 3

It was dark when Flashjack reached the crime scene. Being careful not to disturbed anything, he investigated the site. He had to know what he was up against.
Unfortunately, he did not have long before cop on duty chased him away.

It was a bright summer day. Many families were in the park spending time together. One family was having a picnic. Everything was peaceful, until a spear hit the ground, exploding on impact next to the picnic basket. Jumping to her feet, the young mother uprooted a near by tree, using it to defend her family from their unseen attacker.

Swinging the tree, she hit her assailant, knocking him off his feet. Her second attack missed, giving the attacker a chance to grab the tree and pull it from her hands and use it on her. Pulling another spear from his back, the Hunter lunged at his target, ready for the kill.

Only to be stopped by an arrow that landed between the Hunter and his prey, exploding on impact.

“Hold it right there Slayer!” Flashjack said as he prepared to fire another shot.

“I don't know how you survived, but I'm going to change that right now!”

After firing another arrow at The Hunter’s feet, Flashjack flew towards his foe, leaving trail of fire behind him. Thinking fast, the Hunter rolled under the young hero, who flew by, going too fast to stop. Standing, he fired a beam of energy from his hand, knocking Flashjack out of the sky. Keeping the beam on the hero, the Hunter picked up the spear and held it over his opponent, ready to plunge it into his heart.

“I don’t know who you are, or who this slayer is, but I do know one thing. Time to die hero.”

The Hunted Chapter 2

“The killer calling himself The Hunter has struck again. This time, it was a science teacher at River Valley University. Police say that Dr. Erik Tao, pictured here receiving an award from President Walker, was killed last night at about 11:00. He was murdered the same way as the previous victims of the Hunter. His death brings the total to 20 killed in the past 2 weeks, all mutants.”

Turning off the T.V., Rick O'Connell threw the remote across the room, screaming in anger. The scream echoed through the empty mansion.

“I thought I was done with crap like this. Back home we had a few Anti-Mutant groups that did everything they could to get rid of us, but there hasn’t been anything like this since the Mutagenic War. Now this Hunter is targeting us, most likely for the same reason. The thought that mutants are to be feared. That kind of thinking lead to the war. If things are starting up again, how many more are going to die before we have another one.”

“His death brings the total to 20 killed in the past 2 weeks, all mutants. The police” Dan Jennings paused for a moment and listened to his producer through his earpiece. I have just been notified that there has been a development in the case. A witness to this last murder. Here is a composite sketch of The Hunter that the police are sending out.”

As the image filled the screen, the Kyle Clark sat up in amazement.

“ It can't be. I killed him. I saw the body.” Clark thought for a moment. “The armor was missing. I don't know how, but someone could have taken it and is using it to continue where the Slayer left off. If so, I have to stop him”

Turning off the T.V., he grabbed an amulet that was on the table beside him and climbed out of the window to his apartment. After closing the window, he jumped off the fire escape as a flash of blue light filled the night sky.

“Hello.” O’Connell said as he picked up the phone, and smiled as he heard the voice of Duke Magnum on the other end.

“Hey Rick. This is Duke. I heard about that Hunter guy. I'm headed home to help track him down. I'll be there in about 1 hour.”

“Thanks. We can use all the help we can get. Talk to ya when you get here.”
Hanging up the phone, Rick headed for the Pit to get ready for the search. When he got there, the Traveler greeted him.

“Just the person I wanted to talk to. Where did you get your ring?”

“I don't know. I've had it as long as I can remember.” Rick said, looking at his ring. It was a normal ring, with a star made of a red gem. “My parents said I had it when they found me. I guess it is something my real parents left me. To remember them or something.”

“I have been thinking. There may be a way for you to carry the Fantasy Star with you at all times.”

“How? By wearing a trench coat all the time?”

“No.” The Traveler said as he placed the Fantasy Star on a table. Point the ring at it and concentrate.”

Pointing his ring at the sword, Fantasy concentrated. Suddenly, a beam of light shot from the ring, hitting the sword, which disappeared.

“What happened to it?”

It is safe. It has been changed into energy, which is now stored in your ring. When you need it, use your ring to summon it.”

“Thanks. This will help allot, but how did you know that would happen?”

“…I am not sure.”

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Hunted Chapter 1

Running as fast as he could on an injured leg, Erik Tao wondered "Why me?" 20 minutes ago, he had been walking in the park, minding his own business, when he was attacked. It seemed that the shadows themselves were firing at him.

Running around a corner, he stopped. He was in an ally, with no way out. Searching franticly for a place to run, a place to hide, a weapon, anything, he saw nothing except the shadow approaching. In a last act of defiance, he held up his hands and fired 3 lightning bolts, hitting the shadow, but not stopping it. The shadow raised its fist. For the next few minutes, nothing was heard from the ally but screams of pain.

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 8

The Traveler and Mac were analyzing the GenTech info when a flash of light startled them. Looking up, they saw Fantasy stepping out of the portal, holding the sword in front of him.

“Is that the Fantasy Star?” Mac asked?

The Traveler nodded his head. “Yes.”

Fantasy looked down at the sword before placing it into his sheath. “There were a lot of Cybernators there, but with this thing I made mince meat of them.”

“Did you find out anything about them?”

“No. Hw did you guys do?”

Mac shook his head. “Nope. There was a lot of stuff deleted. They are definitely up to something. The question is what.”

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 7

The void was dark and featureless, a vast expanse of emptiness. Floating through the void was a lone figure. How long he had been there, he did not know. A day, a week, six months, a year, it was all the same. He had no way of knowing, and what’s more, he did not care. He embraced the cold nothingness of the void, savoring it.

Suddenly a change occurred, a brilliant blue-white light shone through the darkness. The being raised an armored hand to shield his eyes as the intensity of the light increased. He knew it from somewhere. A similar light had shown in that same location recently, and he recognized it then as well, but did not know why.

He floated towards the light; it’s blue light reflecting off of his red armor, creating a violet aura around him. As he drew closer to the light, he realized that he knew where he recognized the light.

Just as suddenly as it appeared, the light vanished. The being floated in place, staring at the spot where the light had been. Soon he filled the void with a sinister laughter. He knew where the light had come from. It would be some time before he reached it’s location, but the light would return, and he would have his revenge.

...and reappeared in a jungle. Looking around as the portal closed behind him, Fantasy saw a trail to his left. Reaching for his MP5, he realized that it was missing. Drawing his sword, he started to run down the trail.

Seconds after starting down the trail, two Cybernators ambushed Fantasy. Jumping over them, Fantasy slashed at one, severing its head. Quickly swinging his sword three times, he defeated the other one before continuing down the path.

Turning a corner, Fantasy saw a clearing. Directly across from the trail was a rock containing a sword. Going towards it, Fantasy flew forward as an energy blast hit him in the back, causing him to drop his sword.

Quickly getting to his feet, Fantasy saw several more Cybernators surrounding him. They reconfigured their arm cannons into gattling guns and pointed them at Fantasy.

Backed up against the rock, Fantasy decided to go down fighting. Pulling the sword from the stone and holding it above his head, he felt a surge of power course through his body as lightning hit the sword. As he brought down the sword, it started to glow. Slashing at the Cybernators, a beam of energy followed the sword's trail, shooting towards the cyborgs and hitting six of them. Rushing towards his disoriented foes, Fantasy leapt into the air and landed in between two of them, quickly decapitated them

Flipping the sword around, he stabbed behind him, impaling one of the cyborgs.
Slashing forward, he gutted another. Recovering from their disorientation, the remaining five Cybernators pointed their weapons at Fantasy and started firing. Activating his blast field, Fantasy towards them as the bullets bounced harmlessly off the field. With a few quick slashes, all five fell, exploding when they hit the ground.

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 6

A few hours later, Fantasy was sitting in the armory checking his weapons. He didn’t know what he would need, but he wasn’t going unprepared. He had just placed a fresh clip in his MP5 when Mac walked into the room.

“Are you sure this is smart?” The older man asked. “We’ve known him for a few hours and your willing to go to another dimension to get a weapon that may or may not exist! For all we know, he could be the one that created those things and sent them after you in the first place!”

“I know. I thought of that,” Fantasy said as he stuck a few more clips in his belt “ But in the last two days I fought two of those things. We don’t know how many of them there are, where they came from, why they are here, nothing. If there is a weapon that might give us an edge against them in the future, then I want to get my hands on it before they do.

“But what if it’s a trap?”

Fantasy stood and sheathed his sword. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Satisfied with his weaponry, Fantasy and Mac made their way to the main room, where The Traveler was staring at the body of the Cybernator. Hearing them approach, he turned towards them.

“Are you ready?”

Fantasy held up the MP5 and took off the safety. “As I’ll ever be. How do we get there?”

“There lies with in you the ability to create portals such as the one that brought me here. It is this same power that brought you to this world in the first place if I’m not mistaken.”

"Then you are mistaken” Fantasy said, laughing. “The portal that brought me here was created by Annihilix* to try and escape. I didn’t create it.”

The Traveler looked at the young hero for a moment, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. “Perhaps you are correct. In that case, please sit down.”

Fantasy grabs a chair and sat down, only to stand up as The Traveler placed his hands on either side of his head.

“What are you doing? I thought you were going to open a portal?”

“I am, however my body is not yet strong enough to contain the energies needed to create a portal to the Netherscape. I will need to use you body as a conduit for the energies.”

Fantasy stared at The Traveler for a moment before sitting back down. “Al right. That makes sense. But next time ask before you do something like that.”

Fantasy sat back down and The Traveler placed his hands on Fantasy’s head, covering his ears. After a few moments, Fantasy closed his eyes and raised his hands, Wrists together, fingers pointing forward. Suddenly a beam of blue light shot out of his hands, creating a shimmering blue portal. His arms went limp as he opened his eyes.

“What just happened?” He asked, shaking his head.

“The temporal energies of the universe took control of your body, allowing you to create the portal.”

“So what now?”

“Now you must step through it and into the Netherscape. Unfortunately I cannot help you. You must use the magic of the Fantasy Star to return.”

“Hold on a second.” Mac said as he walked towards the other men. “You didn’t say anything about that when we agreed to this. You expect us to believe that this sword has magical powers?”

Fantasy placed a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. ” Mac, in the last six months, we have seen a shape shifting crime lord, a super strong thug, two cyborgs, and a stranger appear out of no where. Is a magic sword really that much of a stretch?”

“When you put it that way, it makes sense.”

“So how do I open the portal?” Fantasy said, turning towards The Traveler.

The Traveler placed two fingers to his temple, trying to remember. “Hold the sword above your head and say ‘Returnus Exante. Then swing the sword in a full circle. That should create a portal back to here.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then you may very well be trapped in the Netherscape forever.”

Fantasy looked at Mac, then the Traveler, and finally the portal. “Well, here goes nothing. Wish me luck.”

Turning towards the portal, Fantasy walked through it...

*Annihilix is a powerful being that nearly destroyed the dimension that Fantasy came from. Fantasy traveled through a portal in order to stop him once and for all, and appeared outside of River City.