Saturday, September 23, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 9

The chase continued for another twenty minutes before they ended up in another ally. Cornered, the killer turned to fight. Pulling an alien gun, he fired at Flashjack, who dove out of the way and fired a Blue Lightning Blast that caught his foe in the chest, knocking him back. Charging after him, Flashjack landed a series of kicks and punches that would have easily knocked out the world's best boxer, but it did not even faze the killer, who knocked the young hero to the other end of the ally with one punch.

Getting to his feet, Flashjack let loose a fully charged optic blast, which hit the killer in the shoulder. Rushing forward, he began to hit his foe as hard as he could, knocking him into the back wall of the ally.

High above the two combatants, a young thief, hiding from the cops on top of the building, watched the battle, amazed at the power the two foes had.

Firing another Blue Lightning Blast, Flashjack knocked off a small part of his foe's armor. Taking advantage of the killer’s disorientation, he drew his Lightning Bow, aimed, and fired an arrow at his foe. Lodging in the killer's body, the arrow had hit the heart, but it did not kill the Slayer. That is, not until it exploded, destroying his internal organs, killing him instantly.

Hearing a noise, Flashjack quickly turned around, thinking someone had seen him. Seeing no one there, he decided to check just in case. While he was gone, the thief climbed off of the roof and walked over to the body. While the person inside was obviously dead, the armor was miraculously undamaged. Looking at the armor in amazement, he saw something else. A large gem in the center of the chest plate.
As he picked it up, the gem started to glow. Hearing Flashjack heading back in his direction, he made a choice that would change his life. Putting the gem in his duffle bag, he climbed back on to the roof and ran.

Returning to the killer's body, Flashjack was amazed to see that it had changed. The armor was gone and in its place was the body of tall, red alien. Wondering about this, he walked away, trying to figure out where he was and how to get home.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 8

After three days of work, all the nerve endings, blood vassals, and circuitry was connected. As Sanders finished up, Mac and Fantasy sat around the kitchen table enjoying a much-needed break.

“That was a neat trick in there. I’ve never heard of a mutant with the ability to heal others. Should help Ninja get back on his feet faster.”

Fantasy set down his coffee cup and thought for a moment before responding.

“Actually, my powers are low level psionics and the ability to accelerate the electrons and positrons around me. The healing factor, as well as some other stuff, is the result of some experiments that were performed on me. I would rather not talk about it right now.”

“Understood. So why were you guys there in the first place?”

“Ninja was sent by President Walker. One of his assistants, Dan Carter, asked me to give him a hand. What were you doing there?”

It was Mac’s turn to think for a moment. “Sanders and I are here for the same reason. To kill that bastard.”


“He ruined our lives. Killed his parents and his brother. Killed my wife and kids.”

“So why isn’t he out there fighting?”

“He’s doctor. He’s had no combat experience. Before I got a degree in engineering started studying cybernetics, I fought in the Gulf War. Scored thirty kills, ten of which were after my squad had been neutralized. But he’ll be there next time. You guys got a mission to complete and we want Super Shift dead. Best thing to do is to team up.”

“I think the President wanted him alive.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Silence filled the room, broken by the sound of the door opening. Sanders walked in, with Black Ninja behind him.

“Look who woke up!”

“How are you doing?”

Ninja looked at Fantasy, and then Mac. “I fine, thanks. I appreciate your help. Now if we aren’t in a life or death situation, could would you guys mind telling me who you are and why you’re here?”

“You’re out of bed.” Mac said as he finished his coffee. “Time for you to start learning how to use those new arms of yours. Super Shift has patrols out looking for us all over the city. I figure we have three, maybe four days max before they find this place. That will be plenty of time for introductions.”

Monday, September 11, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 7

Turning the corner, the heroes pulled up to a run down house in Etora, the capital city of Yugostan. Turning off the van, the man looked at the house.

“Home Sweet Home.”

“Shouldn't we get Ninja to a hospital?”

“Nope. Super Shift might not run the country yet, but he does have a lot of power. His goons are everywhere, even in the palace. I’ve even heard rumors that the Vice President is on his payroll. He’ll have people out looking for us.

“And this place is safe?”

“Safest place in the country right now. Your friend is hurt bad. They will be searching medical facilities first. It will take them a while to search the residential areas.”

“And what about Ninja?’

“That is where I come in?”

At the sound of his voice, Fantasy turned and saw a man about the same age as the one who had rescued them. His glasses and white lab coat was a sharp contrast to his camo-clad friend

“Are you the Colonel?”

“My name is Dr. David Sanders.” He said with annoyance. “I am a neural surgeon. He just calls me that because of my last name. And because I have a weakness for original recipe. Brining home strays now Mac?”

Mac shook his head. “They are here for the same reason we are. To bring down Super Shift. I heard them say that they were here my order of President Walker himself.”

“Good enough for me.” Sanders said, pushing up his glasses. “So what’s the situation?”

“Some of Super Shift’s men were armed with explosive ammo. He lost both arms and a leg. His friend is holding him together, but can’t keep it up for long. I think he needs the limbs more then I do.”

Sanders injected something into what use to be Black Ninja’s right arm. “Agreed. I’ll need an hour or so to get ready, and I will your help with some of the circuitry. As for you” he said, looking at Fantasy, “I’ll need you to hold him together for a while longer.”

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 6

Chasing the killer through the cave, Flashjack remembered how much he hated he sewers. He had been chasing this criminal for an hour now, and he didn't think he would ever get the smell out of his costume.

Turning the corner, he saw an old bomb shelter about one hundred yards in front of him. The killer had just entered the shelter.

“Good.” Flashjack thought. “He'll be cornered and I'll be out of the sewers.”

Stepping into the bomb shelter, he stopped. It looked like something from Star Trek. The shelter was filled with control panels and monitors. There was a blue portal across from the door. Just as Flashjack entered the building, the killer disappeared into the portal. Rushing after his foe, he closed his eyes and jumped through the portal.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in an ally. The killer was running around the corner. Dusting himself off, he chased after him.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Alliances Formed Chapter 5

“A little help would be nice!” Fantasy said, looking at the guards.

Super Shift replied with a laugh. “And miss seeing you die? I don’t think so.”

“You know, I always knew I was going to die,” Black Ninja said as he struggled to break free, “But I never thought my death would be this clichéd.”

“If this were a cliché, we would be attractive women and Dudley Do Right would show up at the last second to save us.”

“I highly doubt there are any Mounties in Yugostan.”

Before Fantasy could say anything, the sound of machine gun fire was heard and the guards fell. A man jumped out of the shadows as Super Shift ran away.

“Would a pissed of guy from New York be ok.” The man said as he cut Fantasy’s hands free and handed him the knife. “Cut him free. I’ll cover you.”

“Who are you?”

Fantasy cut the Ninja loose. “You know, we are really going to have to work on your obsession with asking for people’s names as they save you from life or death situations.”

The heroes moved to safety just as the train went by and picked up guns from the fallen guards. Within seconds, a battalion of Super Shift’s troops came rushing out of the compound. The three heroes opened fire, eliminating the first wave of soldiers. The next wave saw their friends fall and were prepared, taking cover as soon as they emerged from the compound.

Taking up defensive positions, the heroes did their best to complete their mission but they were out numbered and were forced to retreat. Running as fast as they could, they rushed towards a waiting van.

Reaching it first, the Black Ninja turned and covered his allies as the got in the van. After they were in, he started to climb in, only to be hit by a shot that took off his arm.

“Crap! They got explosive ammo in those things!” The man said as he pulled away.

Getting up from where he fell, The Black Ninja fought on, giving his new friends time to escape, only to go down from 2 more shots, this time to his other arm and his leg.

“He’s still alive! We have to go back!”

“That’s suicide kid. As much as I want to take out that son of a bitch, we have to get out of here. Your friend is willing to sacrifice his life to give us a chance to get away. Don’t let his death be meaningless.”

“He’s not dead yet, and where I come from we don’t leave people behind.”

“Why do I get the feeling I made a bad mistake saving you guys.”

The man spun the van around and slid to a stop in front of Ninja. Using the van for cover, Fantasy got out and ran to Ninja.

“How is he?”

“He’s losing a lot of blood.”

“Then leave him!”

“No! I have some psionic powers. Nothing to powerful, but it will be enough to stop the bleeding and reduce the pain.’

“Then get him in here. I just hope the Colonel can patch him up.”

Alliances Formed Chapter 4

Arriving in neighboring country of Chutnia, Black Ninja stowed away on a train that was headed into Yugostan.

That night, he traveled to the location of Super Shift's compound. Checking the perimeter, he quickly found the main entrance. It was guarded by five guards, with a warming hut near by with more.

Taking a dart gun out of his belt, he aimed it at the two guards next to the doors and shot them with tranquilizer darts. Going up to the guardhouse, he drew the guard out and tried to subdue him, but guards from the warming hut, who were going to relieve their friends, joined in the fight. Black Ninja tried his best to fight them all, but they proved to be too much.

Suddenly, four glowing objects land in front of the crowd, exploding on impact. Looking up, they see a dark form in the trees before it charges towards them, staff in hand. Striking one guard in the chest, Fantasy struck two more before breaking the arm from a forth guard.

Recovering from the initial shock of Fantasy's sudden appearance, one of the guards picked up his gun and fired. Ducking to avoid the shot Fantasy kicked the gunman in the stomach before taking him down with an uppercut.

By now, the guards holding Black Ninja were scared and tried to run, but they didn't get far as the ninja threw a pair of shuriken, hitting the guards in the back of the ankle, severing their Achilles’ Tendon. A few quick punches knocked them out.

Grabbing his sai from one of the guards, he quickly spun around and drove the unsharpened blade through the arm of a guard that was trying to stab him in the back. Picking up a gun, he went to stand by Fantasy.

“Who are you?”

“We are in a life or death situation. I think that can wait.” Fantasy said as he picked up a rock. “You might want to take cover.”

Charging the rock with kinetic energy, Fantasy threw it at the wall surrounding the compound, destroying it. Making sure they were armed well enough, the two heroes entered the compound. Fortunately, most of the men were gone either in town or at another base. But the ones that were there were ready, standing by the main entrance. Startled by the explosion, they were not ready for the heroes and after a brief battle, they were all either dead or disabled.

Running towards the main building of the compound, they met little resistance. Blasting the door off its hinges with an exploding card, they went in, looking for Super Shift. They did not have to look long before they found him.

“So you are the ones that were making all that noise outside and disturbing my sleep. Who are you?”

“I have been sent by the President of United States to take you into custody.” Black Ninja said, pointing to the shape changer. “You have the right to remain silent, anything...”

“I chose to ignore that right. GAURDS!”

Fantasy smiled. “Hate to tell you this Shifty, but we took all of them down.”

“Not quite all of them.” He said as twenty guards enter the room, each holding a high-powered rifle. “I always keep a few in my house for an occasion like this. As you can see heroes, I am well guarded. Tie them up!”

A few minutes later, Fantasy and the Black Ninja were tied to a set of near by train tracks, with several guards pointing their guns at the duo.

“I know that this isn't the best way to kill you,” Super Shift said, standing over the heroes, “but it is fun. Any last requests?”

“Let us go?”

“Tell us your plan?”

“I don't think so. I've seen all the James Bond movies. I tell you my plan, and then you break free and kill me. I like living thank you very much.” Supershift paused as a train whistle sounded in the distance. “Good. I wouldn't want you to miss your train.

Super Shift stepped back and laughed. He watched the heroes trying to break free as the train drew nearer.

Alliances Formed Chapter 3

“I'm glad you could make it.”

Fantasy shook hands with the president’s assistant. “How could I refuse to meet with a member of the President's staff? What's the problem?”

Sitting in a bar a few blocks from the capital, the assistant quickly filled Fantasy in on the President's meeting with The Black Ninja. Fantasy took a drink of his Coke before replying.

“So Ninja is going in alone and you don't think he will survive?”

“That and the fact that I want Super Shift captured. My sister is a missionary in Yugostan. If he starts a war, he might kill any Americans first.”

“Understood. When do I leave?”

“Ninja and you will be on the same plane. Leaves at 6. I have contacts with the underground in Yugostan. They will get you to Super Shift's compound.

Alternate Dimension


Thirty-five minutes after it began, Flashjack continued to chase the murderer the media had named the Armored Slayer. A trip to a movie theater turned deadly when the murderer charged in and killed 20 people, only to be stopped by Flashjack, who was there with his girlfriend.

After a quick battle, the Slayer got away and the chase was on. Flashjack had tried all his powers and weapons, but it was no use. The killer managed to deflect all of the attacks.

Chasing the murderer into the sewers, he stopped for a second when the killer entered a cave that opened into the sewage system, then followed.

Alliances Formed Chapter 2

Present, our dimension

The White House. Home to the most powerful man in the free world, the President of the United Stated. Over the years, many important decisions have been made in this building. Now one more must be made. A decision that could start a war.

Sitting in the Oval Office, the president contemplated the next course of action. The president's assistant and The Black Ninja entered the room, interrupting his thoughts. They shook hands and sat down.

“Black Ninja. Glad you could make it.”

“How could I refuse to meet with the President of the United States? What seems to be the problem?”

“Have you ever heard of Yugostan?”

Black Ninja thought for a moment before replying. “That's where those assassination attempts were made against their king a few months ago, right?”

“Right. It is a small country in the Middle East, about the size of Alaska. Problem is that since then, we haven't been able to get much information about what is going on there.”

“And you need my help with this because?”

“Because we what we do know is that the assassination attempts were likely the work of the drug lord known as Super Shift.”

Black Ninja started to laugh but stopped himself. “Aren't the good guys supposed to have super in front of their names?”

“Very funny.” The president said as he walked over to a slide projector and his assistant turned off the lights. “This is Super Shift. We are not sure if this is what he really looks like because he is a mutant, with the power of shape shifting.”

“Don’t you have some group designed to stop mutants?”

“We did, but it was disbanded as part of the treaty that ended the Mutagenic War.”

“Sure. There isn’t some secret government group to hunt down mutants.”

“Despite what the conspiracy theorists might say, there is no such group at this time. Now back to the briefing. Here's what we know about him. We think this is the real him. He is currently wanted in twenty-three countries for murder, drugs, terrorist activities, ect.”

The president changed the slide and continued. “Here he is at a rally a few months ago. Something about how he was the real ruler of Yugostan. Apparently he thinks that he is a direct descendent of their first king and queen.”

“So he's your basic insane megalomaniac?” The Ninja said as the lights came back on.

“Pretty much.” The president replied. “Your job is to capture him. He has enough men to start a war, and that isn't counting Yugostan's army. If he is in charge now, there could be major trouble.”

“When do I leave?”

Alliances Formed Chapter 1

Two months ago, in another dimension

An alien base in the Sea of Tranquility, on the face of the moon. Despite the name of its location, the base is anything but calm. Crews are working on the base, either inside the pressure domes, or in pressure suits. Meanwhile, ships landed and took off at regular intervals. One of these ships had very important cargo.

Getting off one of the ships were twelve generals of the Temron army. Impressive in their full battle armor, these giant warriors walked down the hall to the center of the complex. There, sitting on his throne, sat their leader, Galactor. As powerful as the general's looked, Galactor made them look as weak as children.

“You summoned us My Lord?”

Galactor looked at his generals before responding. “As you know, our sensors tracked the ship that escaped Aldermir to this planet. Since that fool Jax did not have the Amulet with him, we can only assume that it was on that ship.”

“Please do not be offended sire, but there was no need to bring us half way across the galaxy to tell us something we already knew. The scout ship that followed Jax relayed its sensor readings to us as soon as the ship crashed.”

“You are lucky Zarlas.” Galactor said as he stepped down from his throne. “If I weren’t in such a good mood, I would rip your throat out where you stand for the infraction of speaking out of turn. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I have found a way to destroy the Blue Star Amulet. You all know the legend of the Amulets of Power, do you not?”

Zarlas hesitated before answering. “We all heard the legend when we were young. The Ancients, to allow others to have the powers they possessed, created the three Amulets of Power. The Blue Star Amulet was given to the Aldermirons and the others were hidden. It is said that the only thing that can defeat the power of one amulet is one of the other three Amulets.”

“Correct. As I already said, we know that the Blue Star Amulet is here. We must destroy it, and the Earth, in case those annoying Aldermirons gave it to any Earthlings. Kolar, step forward!”

Entering the room from behind the throne came a human. Dressed in a smaller version of the armor worn by the generals, he looked no less intimidating in it. He stood beside the throne as Glactor sat back down.

“This is Kolar, one of my finest warriors. He volunteered to be genetically and physically altered so that he could pass as a human. Find their weaknesses, and find the Blue Star Amulet. And this is how he will destroy all. Behold. The Dark Star Amulet!”

Galactor took an amulet from around his neck and gave it to Kolar, who held it to his chest. A dark red light enveloped the warrior. When the light subsided, Kolar was wearing a suit of armor that would be more the powerful enough to destroy a whole battalion of their most powerful solders.

Zarlas looked at Kolar, and then at Glactor. “This is most impressive my lord, but what about the forth amulet, Chaos?”

Glactor looked at his subordinate and smiled. “I have teams searching for it even as we speak. Dark Star is an equal to the Blue Star, but Chaos is at least ten times as powerful. Imagine, two warriors with enough power to destroy this puny world. Nothing will be able to stop us!