Thursday, October 26, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 2

A half hour later, Rick stood on a platform inside a large cavern under the house. In front of him, on a table, lay the body of the cyborg. Next to him stood Mac and Duke Magnum. They stared silently at the body. Finally Duke broke the silence.

“So what happened?”

“I had just finished my workout and was about to shower before heading to town” Rick replied “When the wall behind me exploded and this thing walked through”

“Any idea where it came from?” Duke said, comparing his arms to those of the cyborg?
Mac looked up from his examination and took a breath. “Nope. There are no markings to ID it and Rick caused too much damage. I don’t know if I will be able to find any way of identifying it.”

Rick dropped into a chair and sighed. “So we’re back where we started.”

“Not necessarily.” Mac said as he sat down in front of a wall of computer screens.

“Who ever made this thing would have to have access to some very advanced tech. I’ll see what I can find, but it will take a few hours for the computers to finish
searching.” He typed some commands into the computer and turned to the others.

“I’ll let you know when this is done.”

Three hours later

Duke and Rick were sitting in the kitchen, the remains of their supper in front of them. They sit at the table in silence, drinking coffee. After a few minutes, Rick breaks the silence.

“When do you leave for D.C.?”

“Plane leaves at 8 tonight.”

Rick took a sip of coffee. “I still wish I was going with you.”

“If it were up to me” Duke said, smiling “Fantasy would be my second in command, but River City needs her hero.”

“No it doesn’t.” Rick said as he put his cup down. “There hasn’t been any one to fight since we got back from Yugostan. Before tonight, all we’ve done is stop a few bank robberies.”

“Don’t worry” Duke said, shaking his head. “Things will pick up.”
Rick poured himself another cup of coffee. “I suppose your right. Who is on your team?”

Duke smiled and reached into his brief case. He took out a folder and handed it to Rick. Rick looked through the folder for a few minutes, reading the papers inside. When he was done, Rick handed it back to Duke and took a drink.

“Was I even suggested as a member?”

Duke shook his head. “Nope. Remember, as far as the government knew, you didn’t exist until six months ago.”

Rick smiled. “I suppose that makes sense after 9/11.”

Duke looked at him with confusion. “9/11?”

“That’s right. It never happened here.” Rick sighed. “It happened about five years ago. Terrorists highjacked four airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. About 3000 people died. In the months that followed we went to war against a few countries that were sympathetic to terrorists.

“Sounds like your world was in pretty bad shape.”

“Seemed like that some days.”

Silence filled the room for a few minutes, a silence that was broken by the sound of the intercom sounding. Rick leaned over and hit the button.

“What did you find?”

“You guys better get down here.”

A few minutes later, all three men stood over the body of the Cyborg. After a few seconds, Duke looked at Mac.

“What did you find?”

“About the only thing useful” Mac said, directing them towards the computer screens

“Was a news story about GenTech Industries.”

Rick looked at him in confusion. “GenTech Industries?”

Mac picked up some sheets of paper. “They’re a tech company about twenty miles south of River City. I did some research and found out that they are working on some advanced cybernetic program for the Government.”

“And you think this thing was a test?”

Mac sighed and shook his head. “I’m not sure, but if it isn’t them, it would have to be Omnicorp. They are part of the same program, something called the Mega Project, but from what I could tell, Omnicorp is making some sort of enhancement suit.”

“So how do we find out if they made this?”

“I can think of two ways; the easy way and he hard way.

Duke looked at the older man. “What’s the easy way?

“Get a job at GenTech. Get the info from the source.”

“And the hard way?”

“Go there after hours and take the info.”

Rick looked at Mac. “That sounds a lot easier then the first one.”

Mac nodded his head in agreement. “Agreed. GenTech closes at nine, so if you want to do that, we got three hours to get you ready.

“Lets get to work.”

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Legend Of The Fantasy Star Chapter 1

Seven miles south of River City Minnesota.

The home of Magnum Enterprises’ CEO, Duke Magnum.

The trees around the house are filled with shadows, the branches swaying in the breeze. One of the trees was moved by something else. The moonlight shone off of the metallic implants covering the right half of the being’s face. A red light shown from where it’s eye would be. Its right arm was pointed towards the house. It had
been replaced by a rocket launcher.

“Target located.” The being said in a monotone voice. “Awaiting appearance and approval for lethal ordinance.”

Another voice, also monotone, responded from the audio device near its ear. “Permission to use lethal ordinance granted.”

Inside a bedroom on the top floor of the mansion, an elevator rose from the floor and out stepped a muscular young man. His hair was wet, evidence of a recent workout. He is dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a pair of metal gauntlets. In his hand is an MP5 sub-machine gun. As the elevator descends, he turns and presses a button. The wall opens to reveal an armory. He is about to replace the MP5 when something gets his attention. He stops, sniffs the air. Pressing a button on the gauntlets, a shield expands

Seconds later, the wall explodes, burying him in debris. As the smoke cleared, the cyborg entered the room. A red beam extended from his right “eye” and swept across the room.

“No human life signs detected. Target eliminated.”

“Good thing I’m not human.” The young man said as he burst out of the rubble and lands blow after blow. The cyborg stumbles backwards, but quickly recovers. The man watched, surprised that the Cyborg didn’t fall. His surprise turns to shock as its arms begin to change into gattling guns. Diving for cover, he jumps behind the bed and lands on the MP5, which had been knocked from his hand during the explosion. He leaned around the corner of the bed and opened fire. Unfortunately he ran out of ammo well before the cyborg fell.

Grabbing it by the barrel, the human leaned around the corner of the bed. Suddenly the gun began to glow with a red light. Seconds later he threw it at the cyborg. The gun exploded on impact. The cyborg stumbled backwards as sparks flew and fluid poured out of severed hoses. Realizing the end was near, the cyborg transformed its arms once again, this time into rocket launchers. Reacting with speed that comes from years of training, the man presses a button on the back of the gauntlets, extending a foot-long blade on each. Leaping over the bed he knocked his foe to the ground with a drop kick. He slashed at the cyborg with the blades. It tried to lift its arm and fire, but it was too late. The implant over its right eye dimmed as it died.

The young man stood and sheathed the blades as he recovered from the fight. Moments later, a chiming sound filled the room. He turned and pressed a button on the intercom panel on the wall.

“Rick, what’s going on up there?”

Rick looked at the cyborg before replying. “Mac. You better get up here.”

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Alliences Formed Chapter 12

“Good job. It would have been better if you had taken him alive, but sometimes you do what you need to do.”

Fantasy and Black Ninja looked at each other for a second before looking at President Walker. After debriefing the president about their mission, there was one question on both their minds. Finally Black Ninja spoke up.

“Did you test the pilot? “

The president shook his head, smiling. “Yes. We ran all the standard shape changer tests. That is not Super Shift. Now if you will excuse me, I have to read to some grade school kids or something. Again, congratulations on a job well done.”

Both men stood as the President got to his feet. “Thank you sir!”

Once in the parking garage, the two men climbed into the back of a waiting car. As the door closed, Mac turned around in the driver’s seat.

“So Super Shift is dead?”

“Looks that way.”

As they left the parking garage, Fantasy turned to his new friends.

“So what do we do now?”

Black Ninja smiled. “I’ve been thinking about that. Why don’t you guys join me in River City? There are plenty of bad guys out there and we made a pretty good team. What do you say?”

Fantasy smiled. “I say lets go home, to River City.”

Monday, October 16, 2006

Alliences Formed Chapter 11

On the roof was a helicopter ready for take off. Bursting through the door, the two heroes rushed towards the chopper, only to be stopped by Super Shift's second-in-command, Crusher.

Black Ninja stared murderously at Crusher. “I'll take ugly. You get Shifter.”

Jumping towards his foe, Ninja launched a series of kicks at Crusher's face, knocking the villain down.

“About time I found you.”

Drawing his sword, he lunged at his foe, who dodged out of the way at the last second.

“All this time training and looking for me and that’s the best you can do Duke?” Crusher laughed. “Maybe I should do you a favor and kill you just like I killed your dad.”

Picking up a barrel next too him, he threw it at the hero, hitting him in the chest. Lifting him off the ground, he threw the Ninja off the roof. Grabbing the ledge at the last second, Black Ninja climbed back on to the roof and fired his grappling hook hitting Crusher in the face.

Advancing towards his foe, Fantasy tackled Super Shift. Knocking him back, Shift followed with a series of punches and kicks, staggering the hero. Using a sweep kick to knock Super Shift down. Fantasy picked him up and threw him at the chopper.

Rushing up the stairs to help his new friends, Mac arrived just in time to see Super Shift and Crusher knock Fantasy and the Black Ninja backwards. Boarding the chopper, Shift took off with out Crusher. Grabbing onto the runner of the chopper, he held on as long as he could before fell to his death in the swamp surrounding the compound.
Refusing to let Super Shift get away, Mac took the rocket launcher from his back and fired the last rocket. It hit the chopper, which exploded. Only the pilot, who had parachuted to safety survived.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Alliences Formed Chapter 10

Approaching the compound, the heroes checked their weapons one last time. It had been a week since they had been here, plenty of time for Super Shift to prepare for an attack. Checking the parameter, they found the best place to enter. Noiselessly defeating the guards at the entrance point, they scaled the walls. Seeing no troops in the courtyard, they continued, heading for the building that served as Super Shift's headquarters. Halfway across the courtyard, the lights around the compound lit up.

It was a trap!

Surrounding them were tanks, snipers, and foot soldiers, all with their guns pointed at the heroes.

Thinking fast, Fantasy activated his blast field, deflecting the first attack and covering his friends. Reacting before their foes could reload, they struck back, spreading out. Charging a hand full of cards, Fantasy threw them at the tanks, destroying them.

Meanwhile, The Black Ninja targeted the snipers. Evading their fire, he used the grappling hooks built in to his arms to scale the walls to the various sniper positions and took them out with little effort. Mac and Sanders, unlike their allies, where much more brutal. Taking cover behind the wreckage of one of the tanks, they took rocket launchers from their backs and fired three shots at the troops, taking out about the majority of the men. The rest fell quickly after they opened fire with their machine guns. After a finishing off the last of the troops, they continued towards the main building.

Charging into the building, they were greeted by fifty more guards, the same ones that had captured Fantasy and the Black Ninja. This time, they did not succeed. Rushing toward the stairs leading to the next floor, machine guns blazing, the heroes made short work of Super Shift’s first line of defense. At the top of the stairs, they saw Super

Shift escape through a doorway leading to the roof. Between them and the door were thirty more troops.

“Stop Him!” Mac shouted as he threw a fresh clip in his gun. “We’ll hold them off!”
Plowing through the troops, Fantasy and the Black Ninja broke down the door and headed for the roof.

Mac and Sanders opened fire as the heroes broke through the door, killing several of the soldiers. Unfortunately they didn’t hear the troops approaching from behind. They opened fire on the duo, hitting Sanders in the back several times. Mac finished off the soldiers in front of the in time to see Sanders fall. He fell as a bullet hit him in the back of the leg. Mac opened fire as he hit the ground, killing the soldiers behind him. Throwing his gun aside, he crawled over to his friend.

“Hang in there Colonel.”

“Leave me here Mac. They hit me pretty hard. I think they hit a few internal organs. I’m not going to make it back. But do me a favor and kill that bastard.”

“You got it doc.”

Grabbing the rocket launcher from his back, Mac ran as fast as he could toward the door.